
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

Dried plum diet protects from bone loss caused by ionizing radiation nature.com/articles/srep2… 電離放射線(ガンマ線と宇宙線)による骨喪失が、ドライプラムで回避されたという論文。

2016-10-17 13:08:05
リンク Scientific Reports Dried plum diet protects from bone loss caused by ionizing radiation Bone loss caused by ionizing radiation is a potential health concern for radiotherapy patients, radiation workers and astronauts. In animal studies, exposure to ionizing radiation increases oxidative damage in skeletal tissues, and results in an imbalance
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma


2016-10-17 13:20:15
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

(続)その結果、ドライプラムだけが、低LET(ガンマ線、左の添付画像)と高LET(プロトンと重イオンにより宇宙放射線をシミュレート、右の添付画像)の放射線による海綿骨減少を完全に回避した。 pic.twitter.com/EN2aRQ9ItV

2016-10-17 13:25:48
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

ちなみに、論文タイトル “Dried plum diet protects from bone loss caused by ionizing radiation”の和訳は、「ドライプラム摂取は電離放射線起因の骨量減少を予防する」みたいな感じかな。

2016-10-17 17:14:12


Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

Dietary Dried Plum Increases Bone Mass in Adult and Aged Male Mice jn.nutrition.org/content/140/10…

2016-10-17 13:27:32
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

この研究で使われたドライプラムはこれ→Prunus domestica L. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prunus_do… 要するにプルーンか。 twitter.com/YuriHiranuma/s…

2016-10-18 09:56:02
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

Cosmic radiation exposure and persistent cognitive dysfunction nature.com/articles/srep3…

2016-10-17 13:28:39
リンク Scientific Reports Cosmic radiation exposure and persistent cognitive dysfunction The Mars mission will result in an inevitable exposure to cosmic radiation that has been shown to cause cognitive impairments in rodent models, and possibly in astronauts engaged in deep space travel.
