


まとめ シンガポール発祥の「ティラミスヒーロー」が勝手にロゴをコピーされ改名させられる事態に→使用権を渡すと発表 表参道のティラミスヒーローズはシンガポールのティラミスヒーローとは無関係 443959 pv 8405 768 users 2536

カリフォルニアのイラストレーター、Gemma Correllさんに本家シンガポールのティラミスヒーローのロゴが類似してるとの知らせが届く

Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

@TheTiramisuHero Quite a few people have contacted me about the similarity about your logo and artwork to my designs. I can see that some of your branding and merchandise has been traced from my original (copyrighted) artwork. Care to explain? Thanks!

2019-02-07 03:17:22
Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

A lot of these are traced from "A Pug's Guide to Etiquette" and then the pug changed to a cat. pic.twitter.com/pxnabCNnki

2019-02-07 04:28:29
Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

Quite a few of the decor elements are copied from my artwork too @TheTiramisuHero - the bird, the coffee pot, the cupcake and the thread are all from patterns I have made. Taken individually, nbd but when you look at it all together (and in red and black!) it's pretty obvious pic.twitter.com/rqdMqfYP7x

2019-02-07 05:55:58
Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

Anyway, I have work to be getting on with... Y'all just keep copying art I made 10 years ago and I'll keep making new and better stuff.

2019-02-07 05:58:06
Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

That being said, if any café would like to hire me to do your decor and branding, I would be SO into that.

2019-02-07 06:00:20
Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

.@japantimes @mbmelodies Interesting article, considering Tiramisu Hero's logo is NOT original but in fact, traced from my artwork. japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/02/0… pic.twitter.com/oS0MLqh6QI

2019-02-07 07:33:03
Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

Any Lawyers from Singapore and/or Japan want to give me the low-down on the legal side of this?

2019-02-07 07:41:54
Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

It's a shame that the time difference means that I didn't get to tell my side of this story. The fact is, they are *still* using copies of my artwork on their products, packaging and café decor, today in 2019. @MothershipSG mothership.sg/2019/02/tirami… pic.twitter.com/1k0ZtcjBmr

2019-02-08 06:21:34
さる @saru_code

@gemmacorrell @TheTiramisuHero Do you have technique to make tiramis? You are only designer.

2019-02-07 19:53:01
Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

@saru_agri @TheTiramisuHero yes, I am but a mere designer and sadly a terrible cook, so I have no good tiramisu recipes, unfortunately

2019-02-08 09:03:59
さる @saru_code

@gemmacorrell @TheTiramisuHero If you want, you should ask the Singapore company for some money or fee peacefully. The shop has been running a shop in Japan too, and I hope gentle management for them.

2019-02-08 10:01:45


📣志乃(しの)@帝劇エリザのぞさま登板希望 @shino_mia72

@maximaximum @itm_nlab フォロー外から失礼します。ティラミスヒーローのインスタグラムの投稿の件、趣旨を簡単にまとめました。参考になれば幸いです。 pic.twitter.com/NIJgr6Vdf5

2019-02-07 18:29:37
📣志乃(しの)@帝劇エリザのぞさま登板希望 @shino_mia72

@maximaximum @itm_nlab 沢山のRTを頂き恐縮です。先程の投稿は要点だけだったので、きちんと全文を訳し直しました。皆様の参考になれば幸いです。 日本語が得意ではないため、分かりにくい部分もありますが、ご了承ください。 #ティラミスヒーロー #thetiramisuhero 本家の投稿はこちらです instagram.com/p/BtkUob4h5EE/… pic.twitter.com/23tJ85LTLo

2019-02-07 19:10:00


Gemma Correll @gemmacorrell

Here are some of my books in Japanese! 私の本は日本語で。books.rakuten.co.jp/search/dt/?g=0… pic.twitter.com/xUAbWPjmjs

2019-02-08 04:26:39