
日本時間16日夜、Twitterのタイムラインの中で、リアルタイムで「戦闘」が報告されていた――報告主は戦場ジャーナリスト。 タイの首都、バンコクでのタクシン支持者(赤シャツ)による現政権に対する抗議行動(一部が武装している)と、それに対するタイ政府軍の鎮圧作戦は、死傷者数を増やしながら3日、4日と時間が経過している。 16日付の英タイムズ記事(下記)によると、木曜日からの戦闘で少なくとも30人が死亡、232人が負傷。4月以降の死者数は59人(そのほとんどが一般市民・民間人・文民)。 続きを読む
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Rain clouds are coming over and I can smell the light rain steaming off the street. It's hot and steamy like... http://bit.ly/b1Blag

2010-05-16 10:40:34
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

The Red camp near Dusit Thani hotel is nearly completely empty other than the tents and so forth. (Just heard what... http://bit.ly/bxMhMG

2010-05-16 11:44:28
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

This report says 24 were killed and 179 wounded. That was some no-kidding fighting a couple days ago and my ears... http://bit.ly/a0WCCx

2010-05-16 11:53:11
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Going shopping for some camera gear when shops open. In Bangkok, you can buy any sort of camera gear needed. It's... http://bit.ly/bnVoVD

2010-05-16 12:54:56
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Photos from within the Red camp near Dusit Thani hotel. These photos are of the area where I was yesterday when... http://bit.ly/adPWhm

2010-05-16 13:05:10
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Red Shirt near Dusit Thani hotel was crowded yesterday. This morning is nearly abandoned. http://bit.ly/diEQXB

2010-05-16 13:08:30
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Red camp near Dusit Thani hotel was crowded yesterday but nearly empty this morning. http://bit.ly/aRLMaj

2010-05-16 13:11:44
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

The Reds shoot a lot of fireworks. They use slingshots to shoot some dangerous fireworks, and also rockets.... http://bit.ly/drzmAW

2010-05-16 13:30:46
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

I see a lot of dark smoke a couple miles away near the Skytrain. (Haven't seen a Skytrain run today.) http://bit.ly/9iigxc

2010-05-16 13:34:14
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Black smoke in the distance and also in immediate area of my hotel. (Dusit Thani.) http://bit.ly/c0oJ8L

2010-05-16 14:51:02
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

The Reds are at it. The Red camp near Dusit Thani hotel is empty other than a few people. Some came today and... http://bit.ly/9rqwMW

2010-05-16 17:28:42
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

The Reds have been lighting a lot of "kum loy" lanterns today. The kum loy are paper lanterns with a sort of... http://bit.ly/a6YgNg

2010-05-16 17:38:13
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

These police just formed up at Dusit Thani hotel and are now moving out. http://bit.ly/cNzC1s

2010-05-16 17:43:50
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

A Thai television station is showing scenes of the violence with backdrop of John Lennon song "Imagine." It's... http://bit.ly/apv4tN

2010-05-16 18:38:17
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Rama IV where I am is very quiet. (At Dusit Thani hotel by Lumpini park.) This was the scene of some serious... http://bit.ly/cGcWyY

2010-05-16 18:46:35
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

2x more explosions. 1x sounded like grenade. Other I don't know. http://bit.ly/aimUKY

2010-05-16 18:48:19
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Was just another explosion. Sounded like M79 40mm grenade. The shooters here are good shots. I hope everyone is... http://bit.ly/afQzqW

2010-05-16 18:56:49
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Was just another explosion. Sounded like M79 40mm grenade. The shooters here are good shots. I hopeeveryone is... http://bit.ly/aVyE5q

2010-05-16 18:57:20
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