38年目の真実~Bloody Sunday事件真相究明委員会報告書 2) 公表

北アイルランド紛争のさなか、1972年1月30日にデリーで発生した英軍パラシュート連隊(当時もはやパラシュート降下はしていなかった)による非武装のデモ隊への発砲事件、いわゆる「ブラッディ・サンデー事件」の真相究明委員会の最終報告書の内容が、2010年6月15日午後3時半(現地時間)、ロンドンの国会議事堂での首相のステートメントによって明らかにされました。 そのときのtweetsのまとめです。 色分けは次の通り: 続きを読む
alex thomson @alextomo

Have sent my Bloody Sunday Inquiry recollections to our onlin people - should be going up Monday I guess

2010-06-13 23:11:25
alex thomson @alextomo

Back in Bogside after so long. It's sizzling with anticipation

2010-06-15 01:31:49
alex thomson @alextomo

Stages and screens going up outside Derry's Guildhall - festival meets tribunal: tribufest

2010-06-15 01:33:50
alex thomson @alextomo

But what a welcome. people stopping their cars to say hello

2010-06-15 01:34:49
alex thomson @alextomo

Still the division in Derry between those demanding exoneration only and those wanting prosecutions

2010-06-15 05:34:05
alex thomson @alextomo

Beautiful morning in Derry. Justice for B Sunday dead after 38 years?

2010-06-15 15:54:35
alex thomson @alextomo

Read my insiders' guide to B Sunday Inquiry http://ht.ly/1YA5f

2010-06-15 16:49:35
alex thomson @alextomo

Catch the C4News investigation which copntrbuted to Saville Inquiry being set up http://ht.ly/1YA5l

2010-06-15 16:52:30
alex thomson @alextomo

In Creggan's vast hillside cemetery with relatives of Michael Kelly, shot dead at B Sunday aged 17

2010-06-15 17:11:25
alex thomson @alextomo

A sweet, still, sunny and calm morning overlooking Derry city and the Foyle out to the open sea

2010-06-15 17:12:47
alex thomson @alextomo

relatives of B S dead pass William St where original march was stopp

2010-06-15 18:16:09
alex thomson @alextomo

Martin McGuinness tells me the Bogsiders have always lnown the truth abt B Sunday - he hopes Saville will now make it plain to the wider wld

2010-06-15 18:24:28
alex thomson @alextomo

But McGuoinness needs to be careful: BS wasa a civil rights marchj not a SF or IRA occasion

2010-06-15 18:26:39
alex thomson @alextomo

Families are now inside the Guildhall

2010-06-15 18:27:25
alex thomson @alextomo

The families finally see much-delayed Sav. Report - next door Ray and I edir im oven disguised as a van

2010-06-15 19:01:13
alex thomson @alextomo

M McGuinness has just congatulatrd me over not being imprisoned over B Sunday...

2010-06-15 19:02:21
alex thomson @alextomo

I said "Well we've both stayed out of jail somehow." he laughed

2010-06-15 19:03:29
alex thomson @alextomo

B Sunday: a wait of 38 yts, 4 months and 16 hrs for the truth

2010-06-15 19:59:29

Big day today...have to work in Derry too #bloodysunday

2010-06-15 21:35:07
Matt Wells @MatthewWells

If yr interested in Bloody Sunday, our live blog by @PaulTOwen is a great source of background info + updates http://bit.ly/9Y9mUw

2010-06-15 21:37:30
Mr J @belfastjj

#BloodySunday #derry #Saville What about an Inquiry into UDA and UVF murders of innocent people

2010-06-15 21:39:16
Mr J @belfastjj

#BloodySunday #derry #Saville What about an Inquiry into Harrods bombing 6 killed people including 3 police officers & 75 people injured

2010-06-15 21:41:29

Guardian coverage of Bloody Sunday campaign for justice probably the least nauseating of all UK newspapers - http://tinyurl.com/38b4ugc

2010-06-15 21:48:18
Chris Thomson @Chrsthmsn

#bloodysunday I remember getting in from playing in snowy streets & my dad telling me IRA had 'taken on' paras and lost.Little did we know..

2010-06-15 21:50:22
tes_ting @Cuddle_Factory

RT @JanisSharp: RT @alextomo B Sunday: a wait of 38 yrs, 4 months and 16 hrs for the truth. #BloodySunday ««« on tonite

2010-06-15 21:53:37
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