Catamorphism in Scala

Debasish (দেবাশিস্) Ghosh 🇮🇳 @debasishg

In Scala, using case classes and subtyping versus catamorphism - which one do u recommend as best practice and why ? #idiomaticscala

2012-09-23 15:13:08
Tony Morris @dibblego

@debasishg Private case class, smart constructor, no subtyping, no variance. Better abstraction, better type inference, equal performance.

2012-09-23 18:37:42
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@debasishg as long as you don't need specific subtypes, private case class and override the companion apply to return parent type.

2012-09-23 22:49:22
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@debasishg Don't use catamorphic encoding. The performance hit is pretty heavy.

2012-09-23 22:50:12
mergeconflict @mergeconflict

@djspiewak @debasishg what do you mean by "catamorphic encoding"? i can has gist plz?

2012-09-23 23:49:30
Debasish (দেবাশিস্) Ghosh 🇮🇳 @debasishg

@mergeconflict @djspiewak Have a look at the Iteratee impl in scalaz done w/ a fold instead of case classes as shown in

2012-09-24 00:00:31
Josh Suereth @jsuereth

@djspiewak @debasishg Hopefully not in the long run, but right now, yes.

2012-09-24 00:05:13
mergeconflict @mergeconflict

@debasishg I don't follow. That article looks like it's representing choice as case classes, and the fold is "just a fold." /cc @djspiewak

2012-09-24 00:10:17
Debasish (দেবাশিস্) Ghosh 🇮🇳 @debasishg

@mergeconflict @djspiewak The article uses case classes & subtyping for Done, Cont etc. but the impl uses fold ..

2012-09-24 00:13:25
Debasish (দেবাশিস্) Ghosh 🇮🇳 @debasishg

@mergeconflict @djspiewak IOW the impl doesn't use subtyping on case classes for the ADT encoding

2012-09-24 00:15:44
mergeconflict @mergeconflict

@jsuereth I understand that. I'm asking e.g. what would Either look like without case classes? /cc @djspiewak @debasishg

2012-09-24 00:17:23
Uncarved Bitmap @crstry

@djspiewak @mergeconflict @jsuereth @debasishg So using a virtual fold method instead of pattern matching, then?

2012-09-24 00:21:12
mergeconflict @mergeconflict

@djspiewak Ohhh, anonymous classes. I was imagining something terrible: a single concrete class with nullable left and right fields :P

2012-09-24 00:22:57
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@mergeconflict You can use concrete classes as well. I was using anonymous classes for the sake of brevity.

2012-09-24 00:23:19
Debasish (দেবাশিস্) Ghosh 🇮🇳 @debasishg

@djspiewak @crstry @mergeconflict @jsuereth It's inefficiency is due to the overhead of closures on the JVM ? Subtyping will be faster ?

2012-09-24 00:23:51
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@debasishg @crstry @mergeconflict @jsuereth That is part of the inefficiency, yes. Remember, you create a closer for even unused cases.

2012-09-24 00:24:30
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@debasishg @crstry @mergeconflict @jsuereth .@nuttycom came up with a clever hack to avoid *some* of this overhead, but not all.

2012-09-24 00:24:50
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@debasishg @crstry @mergeconflict @jsuereth It's not so much that subtyping is faster. Rather, pattern matching has less overhead.

2012-09-24 00:25:20
Josh Suereth @jsuereth

@debasishg @djspiewak @crstry @mergeconflict to be fair, it's an interaction of Scala's encoding of closures and JIT.

2012-09-24 00:25:21
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@jsuereth @debasishg @crstry @mergeconflict More than that. The heap pressure from catamorphic encodings in hot paths is obscene.

2012-09-24 00:25:49