
ツイッター上で英日ゲーム翻訳の問題を出し合い、回答し合うというシリーズ企画です。参加者常時募集中。ゲーム翻訳のミニ教材になれば幸いです。 問題文のみ(ネタバレなし)バージョンを先に読んで、自分で訳案を作ってみたい方は各回の問題だけをまとめたこちらを先にどうぞ: ゲーム翻訳勉強会 ネタバレなし問題のみ http://togetter.com/li/323126 前回: 第13回ネタバレ全部のせ(ゾンビもの文芸、部内資料の口語表現、2012年9月13日~9月17日実施) 続きを読む


Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

ゲー翻勉強会第14回、今回はいつもどおり中問2問+いつもの実績1問ですが、中問2つめは@kasiwagi_vertecさんからの「DayZ」実弾出題で、ゾンビサバイバルづくし会となっています。回答の積極募集は9月23日(日)一杯とします。(各問題は次ツイートから) #gtrj

2012-09-20 13:58:59
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-1a:お馴染み、@Tumugune_TES4(紡音)さん原作のゾンビサバイバルものです。(ナレーション的モノローグ、リップシンクなし、ゾンビサバイバルもの、話者の性別未定、Q14-1b~Q14-1dまで全3行、実機上では改行なしで連続) #gtrj

2012-09-20 13:59:23
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-1b:"I woke up early in the morning after a sound sleep - a perk bestowed by the sleeping bag, perhaps?" #gtrj

2012-09-20 13:59:46
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-1c:"Figuring I might as well, I set off to look around and discovered a stash of food, apparently left unattended." #gtrj

2012-09-20 13:59:52
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-1d:"Looking around and seeing no trace of any owners, I mumbled my thanks and claimed the spoils as my own." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:00:00
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-2は@kasiwagi_vertecさんからの出題です。ミリタリーFPS「ARMA 2」のサバイバルホラーMOD「DayZ」関連の説明文で、出展は http://t.co/JObzUTcy の最初の段落です。(同wikiはCC BY-NC-SA 3.0) #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:00:32
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Notum: The following "Q14-2:" tweets use a description from the DayZ Wiki ( http://t.co/JObzUTcy ), borrowed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 . #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:02:11
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-2a:(ゲームの仕様説明、ユーザー向け/開発部内向け両対応、ゾンビサバイバルもの、Q14-2b~Q14-2gまで全6行、原典 http://t.co/JObzUTcy では改行なしで連続) #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:03:06
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-2b:"Humanity is an in-game statistic that determines whether a player is a survivor, a bandit, or a hero,..." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:03:17
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-2c:"...as well as being a general indicator of how well a player interacts with others." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:03:23
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-2d:"A player starts off with a humanity of 2500. A humanity of at least 5000 will give a player the hero skin." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:03:29
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-2e:"Conversely, a humanity of 0 or below will give a player the bandit skin." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:03:36
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-2f:"A player will gain humanity upon administering medical supplies to another player,..." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:03:41
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-2g:"...and will lose humanity by injuring or killing survivors or heroes." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:03:47
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

せっかくですので恒例の実績シリーズQ14-3もゾンビサバイバルづくし仕様にしてみました。(((Q14-3a単体でのやっつけ感を我ながら看過できなくなり、急きょQ14-3bも追加してしまいました。てへ。))) #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:04:16
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-3a: "Achievement Unlocked: Genre Saturation - Completed the story modes for no less than 10 zombie apocalypse-themed games." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:04:30
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-3b:"Achievement Unlocked: Hunter Becomes the Hunted - Played a survival horror game non-stop (no AFK exceeding 3 mins) for 24 hrs. #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:05:13
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

ゲー翻勉強会の訳案は僕宛ての@返信でも、ハッシュタグ #gtrj つきでも、空気レスでのステルス参加(検索等で見つかる範囲で拾わせていただきます)でも大歓迎です。今回の第14回は9月23日(日)まで開催予定。※今からネタバレなし問題のみスレッドを更新して告知します。 #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:05:30


I woke up early in the morning after a sound sleep - a perk bestowed by the sleeping bag, perhaps? Figuring I might as well, I set off to look around and discovered a stash of food, apparently left unattended. Looking around and seeing no trace of any owners, I mumbled my thanks and claimed the spoils as my own.


Humanity is an in-game statistic that determines whether a player is a survivor, a bandit, or a hero, as well as being a general indicator of how well a player interacts with others. A player starts off with a humanity of 2500. A humanity of at least 5000 will give a player the hero skin. Conversely, a humanity of 0 or below will give a player the bandit skin. A player will gain humanity upon administering medical supplies to another player, and will lose humanity by injuring or killing survivors or heroes.


Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-1b:"I woke up early in the morning after a sound sleep - a perk bestowed by the sleeping bag, perhaps?" #gtrj

2012-09-20 13:59:46
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-1c:"Figuring I might as well, I set off to look around and discovered a stash of food, apparently left unattended." #gtrj

2012-09-20 13:59:52
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q14-1d:"Looking around and seeing no trace of any owners, I mumbled my thanks and claimed the spoils as my own." #gtrj

2012-09-20 14:00:00
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