よく読む科学ジャーナル 《原発事故対応》

ほぼ自分用。福島原発事故やチェルノブイリ、被ばくの健康影響などに関する論文が載るジャーナル。 予告なく内容を変更することがあるはずです。 東電、福島県、省庁などのリンク集は → http://togetter.com/li/391473

 ‡ Google Scholar (論文検索に!) http://scholar.google.co.jp/

 ‡ Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology http://bit.ly/TtILAI
 ‡ 日本原子力学会和文論文誌 http://bit.ly/tG8yZO

 ‡ 日本放射線安全管理学会誌 http://bit.ly/1yytbfS
 ‡ 土壌の物理性 http://bit.ly/16724gs

 ‡ Journal of Environmental Radioactivity http://bit.ly/vpUDHw
     ・同誌の福島特集号 1 http://bit.ly/KbXLiz ,2 http://bit.ly/REG56M
     ・福島特集号 1 の要約まとめ! http://togetter.com/li/409245
 ‡ Journal of Radiological Protection http://bit.ly/uboLTB
     ・同誌の福島特集号 http://bit.ly/Au4VxH
 ‡ Radiation Research http://bit.ly/JAextG
 ‡ Radiation Protection Dosimetry http://bit.ly/JRHgKg
 ‡ Radiation and Environmental Biophysics http://bit.ly/UmLWdl

 ‡ Journal of Radiation Research http://bit.ly/WyIYas
 ‡ RADIOISOTOPES http://bit.ly/1p1H8JD

 ‡ Radiology http://bit.ly/ttGjh
 ‡ Health Physics http://bit.ly/JrjLLB

 ‡ Annals of the ICRP http://ani.sagepub.com/

 ‡ Science of the Total Environment http://bit.ly/ValqKN
 ‡ Elements http://bit.ly/U4AnJK
     ・同誌の福島特集号 http://bit.ly/U4AnJL

 ‡ Cancer http://bit.ly/h73jcS
 ‡ International Journal of Cancer http://bit.ly/SZVn6i
 ‡ Cancer Causes & Control http://bit.ly/WSqgI4
 ‡ European Journal of Cancer http://bit.ly/oGgtWL
 ‡ Journal of the National Cancer Institute http://bit.ly/djN9P8
 ‡ Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention http://bit.ly/cvhOV0

 ‡ Thyroid http://bit.ly/nBXhAh

 ‡ Lancet Oncology http://bit.ly/1zfUqa
 ‡ Clinical Oncology http://bit.ly/SHXR80
 ‡ Journal of Clinical Oncology http://bit.ly/aaGhWR
 ‡ Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology http://bit.ly/YPRPZs

 ‡ Environmental Health Perspectives http://1.usa.gov/11dvpi0
 ‡ Occupational and Environmental Medicine http://oem.bmj.com/
 ‡ Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism http://bit.ly/38av7a
 ‡ Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia http://bit.ly/SHWwyf

 ‡ International Journal of Epidemiology http://bit.ly/4H1aEx
 ‡ American Journal of Epidemiology http://bit.ly/umUAD
 ‡ European Journal of Epidemiology http://bit.ly/12eMZmq
 ‡ Epidemiology http://bit.ly/abKuF2
 ‡ Epidemiologic Reviews http://bit.ly/dWIP0g

 ‡ Lancet http://bit.ly/bMIFQy
 ‡ JAMA http://bit.ly/JjFzqx
 ‡ BMJ http://bit.ly/hxR187

 ‡ Nature http://bit.ly/TtKQwr
 ‡ Science http://bit.ly/m440uj
 ‡ PNAS http://bit.ly/aRCpvf
 ‡ PLOS ONE http://bit.ly/13Ygw