【英語で息抜き・英語なぞなぞ riddles】

英語で息抜き&頭の体操・英語なぞなぞ (riddles) 答えはこちらに→ http://vocafun.olympicesl.com/?p=234
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】Which compound is depicted here? ☞ "H I J K L M N O" #riddle #twinglish

2013-03-19 10:43:58
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? #riddle #twinglish

2013-03-29 13:41:48
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】I am always in risk, yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, but I am never out of darkness. Who am I? #riddles #twinglish

2013-04-12 15:36:35
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】 I can travel from there to here by disappearing, and here to there by reappearing. What am I? #riddle #twinglish

2013-04-17 13:33:38
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】What comes once in a year, twice in a week, and never in a day? #riddle #twinglish

2013-04-19 12:43:41
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】Which letter of the alphabet has the most water? #riddle #twinglish

2013-04-26 12:37:41
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】I begin with T, end with T, and have T in myself. What am I? #riddle #twinglish 日本語タイトルを間違えていたのでやりなおしです。 ありがとう、@fumi_tanpopon さん♪

2013-04-29 05:01:45
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】What starts with a ‘P’, ends with an ‘E’ and has thousands of letters? #riddle #twinglish

2013-05-17 13:36:39
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】 What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? #riddles #twinglish

2013-05-20 09:34:53
Misako Yoke @misakouroco

【英語なぞなぞ】Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I? #riddles #twinglish

2013-05-22 13:05:49