
2013年9月1日 「福島で日常を暮らすために」 前回の公開講座は1月 http://togetter.com/li/446080 続きを読む
ryugo hayano @hayano

今日は 公開講座「福島で日常を暮らすために」 http://t.co/5q82OhgjWT 僕と宮崎真先生の講演,そして橋本麻里 @hashimoto_tokyo さんの司会で質疑応答.全部で3時間.後日基本ノーカットでTUFで放送されるらしい.

2013-09-01 10:53:25
hiroki @hirokiharoki

talk session of Mr.Hayano and Mr.Miyazaki will start from13:30 at Fukushima Zyosen Zyouhou Plaza.

2013-09-01 13:04:46
ryugo hayano @hayano

公開講座 「福島で日常を暮らすために」そろそろ本番.Shureのneck wornマイクを装着

2013-09-01 13:21:24
hiroki @hirokiharoki

"5min." Ms. Hashimoto declared.

2013-09-01 13:28:58
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Ms.Mari Hashimoto:this is 2nd time. The theme is measuring human radiation.

2013-09-01 13:31:03
rozeree @reemayufu

今回は、人を測る。日程説明。 http://t.co/7A6FYdeZtu

2013-09-01 13:31:42
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Talk sessions of Mr.Hayano and Mr.Miyazaki, then Q/A time.

2013-09-01 13:32:19
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Mr.Midorikawa:welcome! Our ZyosenZyouhou Plaza here. let me introduce. we do seminars. send our specialists to town, villages, anywhere.

2013-09-01 13:34:12
rozeree @reemayufu

除染プラザからのお知らせ。 http://t.co/k8W5afSKNP

2013-09-01 13:34:20
hiroki @hirokiharoki

about Temp storage places for decontamination soils. we did 46times at towns and villages. we put info board here for everyone to see.

2013-09-01 13:36:28
hiroki @hirokiharoki

specialists always stay in here, welcoming your questions. our website,too. info of decotamination progress, for each villages.

2013-09-01 13:37:55
Casa_Retoco @Bisq2021


2013-09-01 13:38:52
hiroki @hirokiharoki

our technicians go and advice for decontamination work. teach kids about radiation. use paper story board for kids. ...etc please ask for

2013-09-01 13:40:40
Casa_Retoco @Bisq2021


2013-09-01 13:41:16
hiroki @hirokiharoki

for your need. call us. we, ZyosenZyouhou Plaza will help you.

2013-09-01 13:41:20
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Mr.Hayano's session about internal exposure and external exposure.

2013-09-01 13:42:11
Casa_Retoco @Bisq2021

何のために個人線量をはかるのか のお話

2013-09-01 13:43:50
rozeree @reemayufu

はじまりました。東京大学。早野龍五先生。 http://t.co/x0AJHP4MRl

2013-09-01 13:43:59
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Mr.Hayano: TokyoUniv Phisics. my exprerts. we have more data now. CERN. unti matter. that's my study. then 3.11. quake. tweeted. then,

2013-09-01 13:44:29
s-51@あかべこ @s__51


2013-09-01 13:44:48
hiroki @hirokiharoki

many ppl followed me. they checked. I'm the 7th influential person at that time with twitter. we started school lunch check for cesium

2013-09-01 13:45:43
rozeree @reemayufu

実名でやっているので社会的責任もある。(トレンド分析堂々の7位!凄いですね) http://t.co/zA9NMrhkMg

2013-09-01 13:46:17
s-51@あかべこ @s__51


2013-09-01 13:46:23
1 ・・ 12 次へ