Jacob (2014) に関連して

Jacob P (2014) "Ultrasonography survey and thyroid cancer in the Fukushima Prefecture" から 参照文献のいくつかのまとめへのリンク
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU Jacob P. (2014) "Ultrasonography survey and thyroid cancer in the Fukushima Prefecture" http://t.co/HPW3Qmw4ix

2014-01-15 13:02:23
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU Jacob 2014 "It is emphasized that most of the cases would not have become clinically relevant without the ultrasonography survey."

2014-01-15 07:53:28

oooooooooooo Reference (参照) oooooooooooooo

WHO 2012, WHO 2013 での線量評価とリスク評価

小児甲状腺がんをどう考えるか http://togetter.com/li/556560


UNSCEAR 2008 ANNEX D http://togetter.com/li/545487

UNSCEAR 2008 ANNEX D, Appendix Dhttp://togetter.com/li/545499

Tronko (2003) などから http://togetter.com/li/609791
 Ukrainian–American Thyroid Projectの計画/結果について
  Tronko (2003)
  Stezhko VA (2004)
  Tronko MD (2006),
  Bogdanova IT (2006)
  Brenner AV (2012)

Jacob (2006) http://togetter.com/li/522219
Kaiser らによる甲状腺がんスクリーニング効果の検討 http://togetter.com/li/522225
 Ukrainians と Belarusians の甲状腺がんについて


EAR: excess absolute rate

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU Jacob (2013) Fig. 4 Sex-averaged relative risk and excess absolute rate of thyroid cancer http://t.co/AhlbtmJw9c

2014-01-15 08:02:49

ARR: risk rate attributable to radiation exposure

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU Jacob P. (2014) Fig. 3 Mixed transfer model for the attributable risk rate of thyroid cancer http://t.co/4YtmvhJPJC

2014-01-15 23:03:47

"... after the minimal latency period of 3 years"

"For example, for an exposure of females at age of 1 year with a thyroid dose of 100 mSv, the attributable risk rate is predicted to increase from about 0.2 cases per 10^4 person-years at an attained age of 10 years to 6 cases per 10^4 person-years at an attained age 50 years."

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU Jacob P. (2014): The risk rate attributable to radiation exposure, ARR(s,e,a,D) Eq.(6), http://t.co/MiQIQDdZFE

2014-01-15 13:30:36
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU メモ:ARR(s,e,a,D)は、被ばく時年齢(e)の集団が到達年齢(a)になった時のEARを、その他の原因での減で補正した数値

2014-01-15 13:38:51
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU メモ:Jacob P. (2014) Fig.3 ARRは10^4 person-years

2014-01-15 14:07:38

AR: attributable risks

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU Jacob P. (2014) Table2 Baseline and radiation-attributable thyroid cancer risk http://t.co/SS2pw1xxZq

2014-01-15 23:05:12
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU Jacob (2013) Table 3 Predicted thyroid cancer risk in the Fukushima Prefecture http://t.co/IH642GJPN0

2014-01-15 08:05:54
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myensu Jacob P. (2014): Attributable risks, AR(s,e,a,D) Eq(7) http://t.co/orlvSKovoD

2014-01-15 13:31:45
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myenSU Jacob P. (2014): baseline risk, BR(s,e,a) Eq(8) http://t.co/DSnzxiLpbr

2014-01-15 13:32:48
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