
http://togetter.com/li/693594 の重複除去作業中。 韓国語ツイートはhttp://togetter.com/result/694778 に分離しています。 まとめ作業が終わったら消します。


TNW @thenextweb

New Adobe/Google open-source Asian font will serve 1.5 billion people. tnw.to/g4roG by @jackidove

2014-07-16 07:00:10
designerseye @dsgnrsy

Introducing Source Han Sans: An open source Pan-CJK typeface adobe.ly/1p4nQ8k

2014-07-16 07:00:32
TechCrunch @TechCrunch

Adobe Partners With Google To Release Open-Source Font For Chinese, Japanese And Korean Languages techcrunch.com/2014/07/15/ado… by @fredericl

2014-07-16 07:00:45
Google for Developers @googledevs

Introducing Noto: A CJK Font That is Complete, Beautiful and Right for Your Language and Region goo.gl/yhFcim

2014-07-16 07:01:51
Adobe Type @AdobeType

Introducing Source Han Sans! A new open source Pan-CJK font family from @Adobe and @Google. Details at adobe.ly/SourceHanSans #SourceHanSans

2014-07-16 07:02:25
Adobe Fonts @AdobeFonts

Source Han Sans: A trailblazing new open source pan-CJK font family from @Adobe and @Google. → adobe.ly/SourceHanSans pic.twitter.com/zczWPFiaM1

2014-07-16 07:03:58
Adobe Open Source @OpenatAdobe

Newest open source font, Source Han Sans is now available at bit.ly/1oXoFRV #opensource #adobe

2014-07-16 07:15:14
dwmcallister @dwmcallister

Newest open source font, Source Han Sans is now available at bit.ly/1oXoFRV #opensource #adobe

2014-07-16 07:15:03
The Cupertino Show @cupertinoshow

Noto: A CJK Font That is Complete, Beautiful and Right for Your Language and Region #internationalization  … plus.google.com/11139530640198…

2014-07-16 07:29:10
David C Lemon @typenerd1

Really proud to have been part of this ground-breaking project. adobe.ly/1ntWsxX

2014-07-16 07:32:13
Adobe @Adobe

Making our 101st Adobe Original typeface line up, Source Hans Sans: adobe.ly/1rp5kKo #typography pic.twitter.com/HLaWsTlsS8

2014-07-16 07:38:53
pingooo @pingooo

Google 和 Adobe 聯手推出了 Noto Sans CJK / Source Han Sans 方體字型,正體中文最常用的 13,051 字都符合教育部的標準字體,有 7 種粗細,而且 Open Source ... plurk.com/p/k7pya8

2014-07-16 08:43:26
すまほん!! @sm_hn

アドビとグーグル、世界の1/4に対応する「汎日中韓フォント」開発: AdobeとGoogleは、Source Han... dlvr.it/6L7n5K smhn.info

2014-07-16 08:46:54
Dexigner @dexigner

Source Han Sans: Adobe Releases Open Source Font Family That Supports Chinese, Japanese and Korean Languages dexigner.com/27561

2014-07-16 09:05:06
CU(E)BES @cuebesofficial

With Noto Sans CJK font, Chinese, Japanese and Korean are easier to read and more beautiful on your digital… bit.ly/1oXAass

2014-07-16 09:06:06
Google Korea @googlekorea

오늘 구글은 한국어, 중국어 간체, 중국어 번체, 일본어를 하나의 글꼴에서 모두 지원하는 Noto Sans CJK를 발표합니다. 자세한 내용을 goo.gl/w6L1uq에서 확인해 보세요.

2014-07-16 09:44:49
GIGAZINE(ギガジン) @gigazine

日本語・英語・中国語・韓国語対応のオープンソースフォント「Source Han Sans」 gigaz.in/1tP2ZfZ

2014-07-16 10:11:03
Adobe Korea 공식 트위터 @AdobeKorea

어도비가 혁신적 #무료폰트 #본고딕 을 출시! 한국어,중국어,일본어 모두 지원하며 어도비 타입킷을 통해 데스크탑용으로 바로 이용 가능합니다. 어도비 타입킷에서 다운받기 adobe.ly/1rpjHhG pic.twitter.com/V1YoieFfQQ

2014-07-16 10:14:54
1 ・・ 55 次へ