
過去『FIFA12』に始まる、アカウントハックされてクレジットカードを使われたりゲーム機のストア通貨を使われたり「Ultimate Team」モードでの選手カードやコインが奪われたりと被害続出でしたが、『FIFA15』では犯罪(RMT)の温床となっている「トレード機能を削除」と報じられました。しかしEA公式のWebアプリではトレード出来る状態でリリースされたので、WebApp経由と思われる被害が確認されております。
⚡Game*Spark⚡ @gamespark

『FIFA 15』がセキュリティーを更に強化、トレード機能を削除しbot行為にも対策:bit.ly/XtwbdS #FIFA 15 pic.twitter.com/THkJrAfDcX

2014-09-16 16:18:32
そらまめ @Solamame

ようやく対策に本腰入れたか。ウチの記事も合わせてどうぞ solamame.dyndns.org/home.php?entry… |『FIFA 15』がセキュリティーを更に強化、トレード機能を削除しbot行為にも対策 gamespark.jp/article/2014/0… @gamesparkさんから

2014-09-16 19:11:18
そらまめ @Solamame

不正行為がなくなるのを望む。企業努力も大事だが自分の身は自分で守れと言う話です|-そらまめのつぶやき「FIFA15、トレード機能を削除」- solamame.dyndns.org/home.php?entry…

2014-09-17 01:12:14

EA公式のFIFA Webアプリ(Ultimate Teamのみ)がFIFA15仕様になるとの事でメンテナンスモードに入りましたが、9月18日頃リリースされて確認するとトレード機能があるじゃないですか。報道と違う。コンソール版は削除されているのでしょうか。以下、コンソール版が発売されてからの被害ツイートを掲載します。

Javs @javimendez24

@EASPORTSFIFA i just got hacked in fifa 15 and somebody sold my david silva and my ozil for very low prices what can i do?

2014-09-24 09:48:23
Brad Jelen @redsfan54

@EASPORTSFIFA my players have disappeared from my lineup. I think someone hacked into my account on FIFA 15

2014-09-24 13:13:41
ComedyGaming 🌐 @DaRealComedyG

@EASPORTSFIFA My mates account has been hacked, someone bought a bronze player for 238k coins, GT: SoTv SPuDHeaD Console Xbox!!

2014-09-24 18:11:28
FIFA.CREATOR @fifa15teamtips

@EASPORTSFIFA I got hacked on fut 15 web app... Pls answer...

2014-09-24 23:02:53
Ryan Coopz @ryancoopz55

@EASPORTSFIFA I think my account has been hacked I went on the fifa 15 web app and my players had been sold when I didnt list them

2014-09-25 02:54:21
Mark Iveson @markivo27

@EASPORTSFIFA can you help me I've just logged into my fifa 15 account and all my player have been sold

2014-09-25 02:21:13
Mark Iveson @markivo27

@Xbox can anybody help me I've had my account hacked on fifa but they have used my details to buy coins

2014-09-25 03:12:18
Dylan Taylor @Dylan5m

@EASPORTSFIFA on the fifa web app IV BEEN HACKED I lost my right mid blascykowskzi

2014-09-25 03:05:08
RBT @SamuelBrownRBT


2014-09-25 04:44:26
Thomas @thomasmorrison2

@EASPORTSFIFA who do i contact if i have been hacked on fifa 15? As i have lost my whole team and the person has bought bronze players

2014-09-25 05:47:51
Coach Hood @cdhood17

@EASPORTSFIFA my fifa 15 account has been hacked and many items are missing

2014-09-25 05:54:46
Zack⚡️🇺🇸 @ZackBaird52

@EASPORTSFIFA either my account got hacked or something in the game glitched and sold a bunch of my players and used my fifa points

2014-09-26 04:54:40

@EASPORTSFIFA somebody's hacked into my Fifa 15 ultimate team and took my £32 worth of Fifa points and sold all the players. Who can help?

2014-09-26 04:59:42
Ismail Osman @Ismail_Osman

@EASPORTSFIFA my account was hacked in FIFA and they sold every single player. Can you please help pic.twitter.com/dvGzdmQYya

2014-09-26 06:07:24
josh pappenheim @papsby

Sooooooo someone hacked my PSN account and bought £100 worth of games. JUST BEFORE I GO ON HOLIDAY AND NEED THAT MONEY/CAN'T CALL THEM

2014-09-28 03:25:36
josh pappenheim @papsby

FIFA 15 and NHL 15 as well - huge slap in the fucking face

2014-09-28 03:26:49
josh pappenheim @papsby

There's only one solution to this @PlayStationEU fraud business. DL Fifa, find the fuckers, and beat them with RM at El Classico.

2014-09-28 04:04:02
Brandon Lane @Lane98_

@EASPORTSFIFA I've been hacked on FIFA 15 ultimate team! I've spent money on this game and it's all gone!!!!!! You need to sort this out!!!!

2014-09-28 06:41:09
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