@antonnewcombe let's try and make spicy carrot cupcakes

ブライアンジョーンズタウンマサカーのアントンさんによる "にんじんカップケーキforキッズハロウィンパーティ" の作り方
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Wash your hands for the first time and get use to it because I use my hands a lot when I cook pic.twitter.com/UHgs8sP7vP

2014-10-29 00:22:16
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Add a cup of vegetable oil (I'm using sunflower) pic.twitter.com/A0MXCCNDmM

2014-10-29 00:29:19
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Add an egg and start to beat it it round and round ( eventually stir in two more eggs) pic.twitter.com/6tPLtOngCt

2014-10-29 00:31:22
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

A pinch of salt-I like a sea salt grinder for sweets because sometimes you get a little chunk and it's nice pic.twitter.com/ALKsPt6Lbf

2014-10-29 00:38:42
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Two cups of flour I used half normal flour and half a heavy wheat pic.twitter.com/WSJK4MAZRn

2014-10-29 00:54:33
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

recipe tells you to use walnuts but it's a bad Idea to give toddlers nuts as they might have allergies pic.twitter.com/KF8fe9tFM9

2014-10-29 01:00:14
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

I went ahead and mixed it anyway - it looks like next batch I'll grate the carrots even finer I think pic.twitter.com/Uf02UWeVsS

2014-10-29 01:10:15
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Here I'm using a soup ladle to spoon in mixture pic.twitter.com/J35dOugzEN

2014-10-29 01:27:32
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Ok still waiting on the oven but look at these & we'll start the frosting too pic.twitter.com/7VsQSM1GmU

2014-10-29 01:30:54
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Beat the sugar and butter together first then add the cream cheese (I added a little more cream cheese) pic.twitter.com/VwyqUPRh6V

2014-10-29 01:44:27
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Spoon your frosting carefully into the bag and zip it shut cleanly pic.twitter.com/mG1zTKTQW1

2014-10-29 02:04:51
anton newcombe @antonnewcombe

Check those puppies because they're almost done - you want the tops to be golden or a toothpick to stand up pic.twitter.com/auW62Ahg56

2014-10-29 02:06:39