DDDをめぐる話題(James Coplien, Eric Evans ほか、2016年1月DDD Europe の前に)

Eric Evans @ericevans0

A lot of #dddesign going on in Europe these days. twitter.com/mathiasverraes…

2015-09-11 11:45:02
Mathias Verraes @mathiasverraes

Got new Domain-Driven Design workshops coming up in Ossa (Poland), Amsterdam, Brussels, Leuven, Berlin verraes.net/workshops/ #DDDesign

2015-09-11 00:38:12
James Coplien @jcoplien

Start the year off right. twitter.com/ddd_eu/status/…

2015-09-15 17:24:53
DDD Europe @ddd_eu

"Building DCI Systems on a DDD Foundation" full day pre-conference workshop with @jcoplien on Jan 27 ow.ly/RJzci

2015-09-15 17:02:22
James Coplien @jcoplien

@ericevans0 @mathiasverraes So, in one Tweet, what is DDD? That is, what's the unifying underlying principle?

2015-09-16 15:43:45
James Coplien @jcoplien

@DTraub @ericevans0 Indistingiishable from OO, rule-based programming, or <fill-in-the-blank>

2015-09-16 21:42:30
James Coplien @jcoplien

@mathiasverraes @ericevans0 Easy. Structuring software after operational models people carry in their head to solve problems, using objects.

2015-09-16 21:44:42
Jef Cλaes @JefClaes

@jcoplien @mathiasverraes @ericevans0 Do you think objects are a good fit for each model?

2015-09-17 00:50:13
Eric Evans @ericevans0

@JefClaes @jcoplien @mathiasverraes Objects are versatile, but It's been ages since I've heard anyone claim they're good for everything.

2015-09-17 01:06:03
Eric Evans @ericevans0

@jcoplien @DTraub I think an explanation of #DDDesign reduced to 140 characters is going to be incomplete to the point of being misleading.

2015-09-17 01:17:37
James Coplien @jcoplien

@ericevans0 @pwyczes @mathiasverraes Is it just a collection of disembodied "good things?" I'm looking for the insight or unifying principle

2015-09-18 16:41:12
James Coplien @jcoplien

@ericevans0 @JefClaes @mathiasverraes Here, I define object in the sense that Kay used it, in the tradition of cognitive modeling.

2015-09-18 16:45:08
James Coplien @jcoplien

@ericevans0 @JefClaes @mathiasverraes Hey — I'm the multi paradigm guy and would never mislead people into thinking objects are a panacea.

2015-09-18 16:46:49
James Coplien @jcoplien

@ericevans0 @mathiasverraes I asked is if you could explain the underlying principle in 140 characters. If not, I suspect it's an amalgam.

2015-09-18 16:48:14
James Coplien @jcoplien

@ericevans0 @mathiasverraes Is there *anything* that was considered good design practice at the time of the book that is outside DDD?

2015-09-18 18:25:29
James Coplien @jcoplien

@egonelbre @ericevans0 @mathiasverraes That's been the holy grail of just about every design method. You find it in SASD, in OO...

2015-09-18 18:26:48
Eric Evans @ericevans0

@jcoplien @mathiasverraes Yes, lots of stuff! For one thing, in #dddesign I advocated using just one model for analysis, design, etc.

2015-09-18 22:48:06
Eric Evans @ericevans0

@jcoplien @mathiasverraes The emphasis on multiple specialized models, was in contrast to enterprise modeling and also defacto norms.

2015-09-18 22:51:14
Eric Evans @ericevans0

@jcoplien @mathiasverraes It might well be an amalgam. I don't see that as a problem if the whole is more than the sum of the parts.

2015-09-18 22:52:28
Eric Evans @ericevans0

@jcoplien @pwyczes @mathiasverraes Starting from this framing, I think it is hard to get anywhere good.

2015-09-18 22:56:07
Eric Evans @ericevans0

@jcoplien @pwyczes @mathiasverraes constrained to less than sound bites (140 char), we try to squeeze a 'good thing' and lose the whole.

2015-09-18 22:58:07
Eric Evans @ericevans0

@jcoplien @mathiasverraes I've thought about trying to explain DDD in a series of tweets. Not a formal definition, but the gist.

2015-09-18 23:16:02