JS.Geo 2015 まとめ

Chris Hogan @dictatorhogan

@TheSteve0 bummer you couldn't make #jsgeo, was hoping to say HEY! you going to fedgeo or jsconf?

2015-10-08 22:21:27
⛔️ @ungoldman

If you don't go to conferences If you're the one who is actually programming and making maps This is the conference for you 🎶 #jsgeo 🎶

2015-10-08 22:26:00
David Winslow @godwinsgo

"One of the themes of the day is timeliness" #jsgeo

2015-10-08 22:26:23
Paul Crickard @pcrickard

Following #jsgeo today. This is spatial. This is where innovation and creative things happen.

2015-10-08 22:30:20
Derek Swingley @derekswingley

#jsgeo off to a great start with @chris_whong talking nyctaxi.herokuapp.com plus plenty of Back to the Future references

2015-10-08 22:45:04
John Cappiello @johncappiello

Nice start to #jsgeo hearing from @chris_whong talk about cabs and subways.

2015-10-08 22:45:11
Derek Swingley @derekswingley

"by the end of the day you'll be sick of that phrase" — @briantimoney on vector tiles #jsgeo

2015-10-08 22:48:00
Professional Calvin Architect @CWMma

Cmd+shift+f is what I meant to shout out at #jsgeo

2015-10-08 22:48:01
Bryan McBride @brymcbride

Haven't even made it through my first cup of coffee yet... #jsgeo cc/ @tonyquartararo pic.twitter.com/9ra7VQgdXJ

2015-10-08 22:52:07
Gretchen Peterson @PetersonGIS

OH at #jsgeo: chop it into vector tiles, then you can do turfystuff with it.

2015-10-08 22:52:22
#BLM Scott Brown @geowtf

"I have already met three people who I only knew from Twitter" - sign of a good conference - #jsgeo

2015-10-08 22:53:22
Andy Anderson 🗺 @GeoObservatory

Chris Whong talks about the NYC taxicab data he sneaker-netted and animated. #jsgeo chriswhong.com pic.twitter.com/9hj1Q0J1Ai

2015-10-08 22:53:52
Morgan Herlocker @morganherlocker

@anandthakker talking scalable clientside big data processing using vector tiles #jsgeo pic.twitter.com/Zfk2lQiCTu

2015-10-08 23:00:01
Element 84 @Element84

At #jsgeo? Grab a Geotrellis sticker and some info about the Summer of Maps fellowship program at the back table! pic.twitter.com/PMRe35meDN

2015-10-08 23:00:43
Gretchen Peterson @PetersonGIS

Browser based analysis runs into problems when zoomed out if data becomes too large as a result. #jsgeo aggregate on a grid=solution.

2015-10-08 23:00:44
Map/ @vtcraghead

Off to the races at #jsgeo - @anandthakker from @developmentseed talking chained geoprocessing with JS. pic.twitter.com/pH4V6si1FE

2015-10-08 23:01:54
John Reiser @johnjreiser

The #jsgeo conference is like a one day "who's who" of the Twitter/Github GIS world. pic.twitter.com/0d7h5gP9tF

2015-10-08 23:04:09
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