All conversations in #compatchat at Aug. 15th, 2016

Q&A sessions about Web compatibility
Mozilla Developer 👩🏾‍💻 @mozhacks

📣 Welcome to #CompatChat. We’re joined by @potch & @miketaylr to dig into progressive enhancement & cross-browser compatibility testing!

2016-08-17 02:00:16
Mozilla Developer 👩🏾‍💻 @mozhacks

Join us for a live twitter #compatchat, to avoid unpleasant situations like... this, ugh-oh!

2016-08-17 02:01:32
potch @potch

Hey all! Along with @miketaylr and others, I’m taking questions on @mozhacks about cross-browser testing. You can tag ?s with #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:02:31
Mozilla Developer 👩🏾‍💻 @mozhacks

❓Today's first question coming up: What are some common mistakes that developers can avoid in their CSS/JS code #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:05:26
Vlad Filippov @vladikoff

@mozhacks #compatchat what resources should devs use besides `caniuse dot com` to stay compatible with most browsers?

2016-08-17 02:06:39
Mike Taylor @miketaylr

@mozhacks not using prefixless CSS with vendor prefixes. Or, putting prefixed CSS after unprefixed, e.g.… #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:07:42
Gonzalo Aguilar @gaguilardelgado

#compatchat The first one can be. How can I test my app for a wide range of devices and sizes? #Mono has one system to do that but we don't.

2016-08-17 02:08:57
potch @potch

@vladikoff @mozhacks Many browsers now maintain “platform status” pages that include upcoming support in addition to current. #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:09:56
Bruce Lawson @brucel

@miketaylr @mozhacks also, if using gradients as bg images, ensure you previously define a bg color that contrasts well with text (1 of 2)

2016-08-17 02:09:59
Bruce Lawson @brucel

@miketaylr @mozhacks (2 of 2) b/c Opera Mini (>250m users) doesn't render the gradent & users hate white text on white background

2016-08-17 02:10:54
Mike Taylor @miketaylr

@gaguilardelgado there’s a number of good services like browserstack, sauce labs, browserling, etc. that can be used #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:11:35
Mike Taylor @miketaylr

@gaguilardelgado (some even have free options — for open source, or limited test windows). Emulators + VMs also a good option! #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:12:09
Patrick Kettner @patrickkettner

@potch @vladikoff minor point of order - safari team has said multiple times that the webkit page does not reflect safari

2016-08-17 02:13:02
Gonzalo Aguilar @gaguilardelgado

@miketaylr Hi, currently I'm using phantomjs for most testing with a custom platform. But building emulators + vm can be killing.

2016-08-17 02:13:50
Daniel Fosco @dfosco

@miketaylr @mozhacks What's bad about the pattern on the gist?

2016-08-17 02:13:59
potch @potch

@mike_conley Flexbox falls back well in browsers w/o support, & current support is rather good. Worth it depending on userbase! #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:14:11
Bruce Lawson @brucel

@mike_conley yes, imo. But use autoprefixer or similar to get all the prefixes you need & ensure degrades well in older browsers #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:15:08
Mike Taylor @miketaylr

@dfosco @mozhacks unprefixed CSS should always come after prefixed, because the last value wins. #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:15:17
potch @potch

@patrickkettner @vladikoff Good point. It’s a pool from which future Safari's can pull. Safari Technology Preview is better signal.

2016-08-17 02:15:33
Mike Taylor @miketaylr

@dfosco @mozhacks (and there might be different behaviors between unprefixed and prefixed) #compatchat

2016-08-17 02:15:37
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