2016/12/01- 12/15 #twhz 21h(JST)/ English

http://togetter.com/t/tw21h Susumu Hirasawa's stream of tweets starting at 21:00 JST in all except Wednesdays, which often is challenging to comprehend even for native Japanese speakers. Despite that, some multilingual fans are attempting to translate his tweets into English for better understanding. [NOTE] Translations here are NOT authorized by nor affliated with Mr. Hirasawa and they may contain mistakes and errors. 続きを読む
リンク twitter.com Hirasawa Glossary(@HrswGlossary)さん | Twitter Hirasawa Glossary (@HrswGlossary)さんの最新ツイート The Hirasawa Glossary is a fan project by the Susumu Hirasawa Fan community to explain his terms and people associated with him Narcissus Space

平沢進関連用語集・英語版 Hirasawa Glossary


I decided I would use the heavy and big kind of effects pedals again.

Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2016-12-15 21:00:02
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz It is said that being lightweight and compact is good. But I cannot live in a house smaller than me.

2016-12-15 21:04:15
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

計量→軽量 大は小を兼ねるといって、口より大きな入歯を使う人はいないのであります。

2016-12-15 21:04:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz They say, the larger also serves for the smaller. But nobody uses false teeth bigger than his mouth.

2016-12-15 21:09:41
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2016-12-15 21:08:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz ”We manufactured it based on the human-factors engineering”, they say with a proud look peeking out between the clouds.

2016-12-15 21:14:36
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2016-12-15 21:12:23
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Under that kind of sky, tonight I decided that I would use the heavy and big kind of effect pedals again,...

2016-12-15 21:21:18
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz ...though I had used more compact effect pedals year by year, and I felt refreshed. Tonight I am with you who are not so heavy or big.

2016-12-15 21:21:52
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

専門用語でエフェクターという足で踏んで満足するものがあり、小さいものは踏み間違えるんであります。 エフェクターと類似のもので、同様に踏み間違えると痛いものが「人生」と言われるものであります。

2016-12-15 21:17:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz There are something called "effects pedals" in technical terms which you step on, which make you satisfied.

2016-12-15 21:31:31
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz If they are too small, you sometimes step on the wrong ones.

2016-12-15 21:31:52
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz There is something called "Life" which resembles effects pedals, but it hurts when you make a false step in it.

2016-12-15 21:32:10
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

今日も痛かろう? なあ、オマエタチ。

2016-12-15 21:21:40
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz It must hurt today as usual. Right? You guys.

2016-12-15 21:33:49
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2016-12-15 21:29:54
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz In the corner of Stealth something's radar image, he often finds the code language "to step on a land mine" is swirling around...

2016-12-15 21:50:12
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz ...in the distant Mangosteen Kingdom, which is being done because of their sense of fellowship.

2016-12-15 21:50:36
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Stealth something moves through as if he is scavenging through garbage.

2016-12-15 21:50:46
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

「地雷を踏む」とはこういう例えが適していましょう。 街でかわいい子を見つけ、声をかけたら付いて来た。浮かれるのもつかの間。SP-2だったことが発覚する。

2016-12-15 21:36:44
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I suppose the metaphor "to step on a land mine" is used in an occasion like this.

2016-12-15 22:00:11
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