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sigmapsi @sigmapsi

The rapids rush over a steep plummet, and the water is spliced into two currents by a rock in the center.

2016-12-17 07:18:13
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

Just like those two streams will meet once again, we two as well will have the chance to look upon each other in the future.

2016-12-17 07:18:31
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

瀬をはやみ 岩にせかるる 滝川の われても末に あはむとぞ思ふ

2016-12-17 07:19:40


sigmapsi @sigmapsi

To make a ruby red dye from the fallen leaves that cover the Tatsuta River:

2016-12-18 10:05:44
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

this is something unheard of even in the time of the mythical gods, when mysterious occurrences happened all the time.

2016-12-18 10:06:01
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

ちはやぶる 神代もきかず 竜田川 からくれなゐに 水くくるとは

2016-12-18 10:06:49


sigmapsi @sigmapsi

Winds high in the sky, close the pathway through the clouds!

2016-12-21 05:49:59
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

These angels who have descended to the earth are about to take leave, but I want to see them dance a bit more.

2016-12-21 05:50:21
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

天つ風 雲のかよひ路 吹きとぢよ をとめの姿 しばしとどめむ

2016-12-21 05:51:06


sigmapsi @sigmapsi

I wonder if the moon is trying to make me feel sad.

2016-12-21 07:48:05
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

Oh, I know it is not so, yet my despair is so great that I want to place the blame on the moon. My tears flow in an endless stream.

2016-12-21 07:48:26
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

嘆けとて 月やは物を 思はする かこち顔なる わが涙かな

2016-12-21 07:49:07


sigmapsi @sigmapsi

I have come to the spring meadows to pick herbs for you. The spring snow falls endlessly on my kimono sleeve.

2016-12-22 07:44:09
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

君がため 春の野に出でて 若菜つむ わが衣手に 雪はふりつつ

2016-12-22 07:44:51


sigmapsi @sigmapsi

I’m so lonely that I venture out of my hermitage to take in the views,

2016-12-23 14:02:07
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

but perhaps because my despair is so great, everything else looks as forlorn as I do in this autumn hour of twilight.

2016-12-23 14:02:18
sigmapsi @sigmapsi

さびしさに 宿を立ち出でて 眺むれば いづこも同じ 秋の夕暮れ

2016-12-23 14:03:38


sigmapsi @sigmapsi

You once said that you would never forget me,

2016-12-25 03:25:26