2017/01/16- 01/31 #twhz 21h(JST)/ English

http://togetter.com/t/tw21h Susumu Hirasawa's stream of tweets starting at 21:00 JST in all except Wednesdays, which often is challenging to comprehend even for native Japanese speakers. Despite that, some multilingual fans are attempting to translate his tweets into English for better understanding. [NOTE] Translations here are NOT authorized by nor affliated with Mr. Hirasawa and they may contain mistakes and errors. 続きを読む
リンク twitter.com Hirasawa Glossary(@HrswGlossary)さん | Twitter Hirasawa Glossary (@HrswGlossary)さんの最新ツイート The Hirasawa Glossary is a fan project by the Susumu Hirasawa Fan community to explain his terms and people associated with him Narcissus Space

平沢進関連用語集・英語版 Hirasawa Glossary


I slept for 5 hours today and I felt extremely fantastic in the morning.

Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-01-31 21:00:03
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz What is taking place at the spot closest to the sun in house of Aroru?

2017-01-31 22:21:49
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-01-31 21:04:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I am preparing to file a tax return.

2017-01-31 22:24:15
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

お天道様さえ照っていれば万事がうまくいくように出来ているところを、次から次へとややこしい仕組み発明し、中でも手品のような幻で人心掌握を果たした物質のために、無駄な仕事をコツコツとやる。 手品というより、詐欺ですが。

2017-01-31 21:08:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz The world was made to function well only if the Sun shines. However, people invented the complicated structures one after another.

2017-01-31 23:40:48
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Among them, the substance that has succeeded in seizing the human mind with its magical illusion makes me work on unnecessary tasks.

2017-01-31 23:50:29
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz It is a swindle rather than magic.

2017-01-31 23:50:52
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

いっそのこと、この一番高い所から机や床一面を占拠している領収書をぶちまけたら、ボタ雪のようで風流でげしょ? 領収書なる「不信の体現」がこの世の美に貢献できる唯一のイベント。

2017-01-31 21:12:00
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I wish I could throw all the receipts occupying the desk and the floor from the highest spot in my house.

2017-02-01 00:03:53
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz It would be beautiful, looking like wet snow falling, wouldn't it?

2017-02-01 00:04:36
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz The receipts, the "realization of distrust", can contrubute only as something beautiful in such a show of the art in the world.

2017-02-01 00:05:10
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

商品にはエントロピーがあり、支払った貨幣にはエントロピーが無い。 「代価」に隠れた呪い

2017-01-31 21:16:53
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz The goods have the entropy. The currency paid does not have the entropy. The curse is hidden in the price.

2017-02-01 00:33:29
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-01-31 21:22:11
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I think I had an unnecessary talk.

2017-02-01 00:35:58
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

著しくこんばんわ 私です。

2017-01-31 21:26:58
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Extremely good evening. It is me.

2017-02-01 00:36:33
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

今月の平均睡眠時間を発表します。 6時間5分と出ました。 先月より40分程大盛りであります。

2017-01-31 21:32:30
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I announce how many hours a day I slept this month on average. It was 6 hours and 5 minutes. About 40 minutes longer than last month.

2017-02-01 00:40:03
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-01-31 21:37:26
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I slept for 5 hours today and I felt extremely fantastic and with high spirits in the morning.

2017-02-01 00:52:51
1 ・・ 30 次へ