
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

Sure be nice if government-sponsored suppression of exchange of ideas received even 1/4 the attention as Middlebury students. @NAChristakis

2017-03-20 08:18:12
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

@WeedenKim Yes. I agree; have been saying so. But we in academia have lost credibility. How can we resist R incursions if not consistent?

2017-03-20 08:28:51
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

@WeedenKim If we say: don't interfere academic freedom, they'll say "you don't even allow people to hear speakers or choose costumes freely"

2017-03-20 08:31:13
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

Also, terrible strategy, not just because alienates potential allies, as you note, but b/c directly counterproductive. 2/9

2017-03-21 11:23:28
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

After all, Murray gets free press and more book sales than he would in absence of protests. Peaceful protests = bad copy. 3/9

2017-03-21 11:23:53
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

But, who is going to read the work of scholars who can’t attend conferences b/c they are from the wrong country, religion, or race? 4/9

2017-03-21 11:24:11
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

Who is going to read scholars whose grant proposals go unfunded because topic is not “in American interests” as defined by @HouseGOP? 5/9

2017-03-21 11:24:43
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

Or whose research centers are eliminated b/c results don’t support Republican legislature’s political agenda? 6/9

2017-03-21 11:25:15
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

Not a surprise that right wing focuses on “PC” student protests, ignores state suppression of ideas. 7/9

2017-03-21 11:25:38
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

But, relative prevalence & impact of student protests overblown by pundits on left or center, too. That concerns me. 8/9

2017-03-21 11:26:06
Kim Weeden is also on 'sky & Mastodon @WeedenKim

Handwringing over “PC” students focuses on relatively powerless, gives free pass to greater suppression of ideas by powerful. 9/9

2017-03-21 11:26:39
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

A fine tweet storm by @WeedenKim which I largely agree with. I've been saying many of these things myself. But we must also be consistent. twitter.com/weedenkim/stat…

2017-03-21 11:29:08
Kim Weeden is also on Mastodon @WeedenKim

@NAChristakis. I agree that disruptive protests on campuses are antithetical to academic freedom, goals of universities. 1/9

2017-03-21 11:22:55
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

@WeedenKim Yes agreed. I've been fighting this issue (politicization of science) for quite some time. But to be effective we must be fair.

2017-03-21 11:31:18
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

.@WeedenKim If we want climate science, political sci, gun epidemiology, we must also want behavior genetics, anthropology of violence, etc

2017-03-21 11:35:19