
【訂正】seniorとjuniorが逆 @ionwoshatikuni が英2の試験範囲を全てまとめたぞい 赤色は注目すべきところで問題や諺は黒ボールド、後は適当
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

as 原級 as 〜「〜と同じぐらい」 #英2

2017-05-27 04:22:37
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

as 〜 as possible[S+can[could]] 「できる限り〜」 #英2

2017-05-27 04:23:13
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

The doctor came as quickly as possible/ he could. (時制の一致でcould) #英2

2017-05-27 04:23:30
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

倍数の言い方 I ate twice as much as he did. #英2

2017-05-27 04:23:43
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

The population of Spain is one-third as large as that of Japan. one-thirdは3分の1という意味で,1/2,1/4は慣習的にhalf,quarterという #英2

2017-05-27 04:24:10
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

populationのコロケーションはlarge,bigではない また、that of Japanとあったが,oneで代用することはできない,oneの後にofなどの前置詞句はつかないからだ. #英2

2017-05-27 04:24:35
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

次の例文を直せ He has books three times as many as I. #英2

2017-05-27 04:24:44
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

He has three times as many books as I. となる. #英2

2017-05-27 04:24:55
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

また,一部だけに限定されるが,名詞を使って倍数を表現できる. This room is ten times as large as mine. ⇆This room is ten times the size of mine. #英2

2017-05-27 04:25:04
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

このような名詞は限られており,size, length, depth, weight, heightなどの大きさを示す基準が多い. #英2

2017-05-27 04:25:13
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

This bridge is two-hundred meters longer than that one. ⇆This bridge is longer than that one by 200 meters. #英2

2017-05-27 04:25:21
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

また,原級+比較級で最上級を擬似的に意味することができる. IBM is the biggest company in the world. ⇆IBM is bigger than any other company in the world. #英2

2017-05-27 04:25:31
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

さっきの例文で気をつけたいのは,companyのように必ず単数形にすること,anyの後にあるから当たり前だとわかる人や,数学の「任意の」で「すべての」を意味するのと同じだろうとわかる人はそれで良い. #英2

2017-05-27 04:25:44
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

また,さっきの例文は No (other) company in the world is bigger than [as big as] IBM. とも言い換えられる. #英2

2017-05-27 04:25:54
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

Time is the most precious of all. などのように諺のような表現も簡潔に表現できる. #英2

2017-05-27 04:26:05
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

これは Nothing is more precious than time. Nothing is as[so] precious as time. と言い換えられる. #英2

2017-05-27 04:26:14
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

the 比較 of the twoは,明らかにどちらがどちらであるか明確な点で慣用表現としてる. We chose the smaller of the two puppies. #英2

2017-05-27 04:26:24
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

the 比較〜,the 比較… は,結構出てくるくせにいざ出てくると(特に長文)発見できずにワケワカンナイ状態になるのが多い構文の一つ. The older we grow, the weaker our memory becomes. #英2

2017-05-27 04:26:36
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

次の文を直せ. The more we have time, the more we can do work. #英2

2017-05-27 04:26:45
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

The more time we have, the more work we can do. となります,結構見落としやすいので注意. #英2

2017-05-27 04:26:56
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

また,比較 and 比較も使われます.「ますます〜〜」という意味です. #英2

2017-05-27 04:27:05
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

more than〜で「〜以上」one of the 最上級で「最も〜なうちの一つ」というのもチェック. #英2

2017-05-27 04:27:16
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

Tokyo is one of the biggest cities(必ず複数形にする!!!!!) in the world. さっきoneにofなどの前置詞句はつかないと言ったがこれだけは例外でかつこれぐらいしかない#英2

2017-05-27 04:27:25
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

A bird in the hand is worth in the bush. 明日の百より今日の五十 #英2

2017-05-27 04:27:34
進捗 @all_for_nuthing

triangle→rectangle→pentagon→hexagon #英2

2017-05-27 04:27:45
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