
1.キリスト教(宗教保守派、宗教右派、原理主義)とフェミニズムは原則として相いれない。しかしフェミの思想とキリスト教の教義があうと協調し、場合によってはフェミの思想を取り込んでいる。 1.1そしていま宗教原理主義とラジカルフェミはTERFsを攻撃するために協調している。 1.2山崎マキコ、仁藤夢乃、PAPSjpのような売春婦を敵とみなしてせん滅する思想は、Abolitionist Feminism(暫定訳:廃止派フェミ)にあたり、これが宗教原理主義にとりこまれたとDailybeastの記事に記されている。 2.イスラムについてはすでにフェミニズムは浸透を開始しており、様々なカスタマイズをされて浸透しているとされている。

問 ラディフェミとキリスト教の関係はどうなのか
答 基本的に特にカトリックは相いれない。ただしキリスト教の教義とラディカルフェミの思想が合致すると協調する

夕音/永恒@汉服复兴! @flowersred_yune

@lkj777 ラディフェミが宗教に近い性質を備えているというのは、たまに指摘されることがありますね。その辺り(ラディフェミ思想の宗教性)をきちんと分析した本があれば読んでみたいです。

2017-07-23 14:41:23


富 ユタカ @lkj777

@flowersred_yune girldefined.com/feminism-chris… すごく仲が悪いのが基本(カトリック)神は男女平等におつくりになられたが役割が違う。だがフェミはそれが気にいらないようだと。2015の文章>>

2017-07-23 15:04:32
富 ユタカ @lkj777

@flowersred_yune cbeinternational.org/blogs/why-im-c… クリスチャンファーストフェミセカンドというエッセイ キリスト教とフェミニズムは反対ではない。 それらは相互に接続されています。 だから、私はキリスト教徒、フェミニズムの第二の人、そしてその両方です。<完全に合体

2017-07-23 15:30:45

Feminism is an interesting topic though because nobody can quite seem to nail down its definition.
You know why? Because it has dozens and dozens of definitions. It wears a lot of hats.
A woman who claims to be a feminist could affiliate with one or more of the following camps:
Liberal Feminism
Radical Feminism
Marxist and Socialist Feminism
Moderate Feminism
Postmodern Feminism
Separatist Feminism
Cultural Feminism



There’s one common camp I haven’t mentioned yet. It’s the most widely advertised camp and seems to be the one Christian women tend to join.
It’s called equality feminism.
The man and the woman were created by God to be equal in value but different in roles. God didn’t design us to be the same. He didn’t design us to do all the same things. He created one male and one female with differing roles and jobs.
He created two different genders on purpose and for a purpose.
Most feminists aren’t too fond of God’s design for gender.

They don’t like the idea of the man being dubbed as the primary leader, initiator, and provider. They don’t like the idea of Eve being created as a helper to Adam. They just don’t like these things.
Feminism has rejected God as the ultimate authority for life and instead placed herself on the throne. The god of feminism pridefully says, “I know better than God and will live out my womanhood how I think is best.”
Right NOW (today) almost all feminist groups strongly stand for the following:

  • A woman’s right to abort (murder) her unborn baby.
  • Lesbianism and the right for women to marry women.
  • Complete liberation from sexual boundaries and morals.
  • Freedom from traditional gender roles in marriage.
  • Rejection of God as the ultimate authority in life.


  • 彼女の生まれていない赤ん坊を中止(殺人)する女性の権利。
  • レズビアン主義と女性が女性と結婚する権利。(編注:このブログGirsDefineは女性が女性に書いているためホモが出てこないのは文脈上の都合。)
  • 性的境界と倫理からの完全な解放。
  • 結婚における伝統的なジェンダーの役割からの自由。
  • 人生における最終的な権威としての神の拒否。
    If you currently claim to be a feminist, I hope you will carefully consider what that word means and what it’s largely associated with.
    At its root, feminism is built upon a foundation completely devoid of God. The feminist movement is woven with the same sin Satan committed in the beginning. A rebellious heart that pridefully says, “I don’t need you, God. Thanks, but I’ll do things my way.”
    If you currently claim to be a feminist, I hope you will carefully consider what that word means and what it’s largely associated with.

Here’s the hard to swallow truth: As a Christian woman, you can’t agree 100% with God’s Word and agree 100% with feminism at the same time. They just don’t mix in most areas. In fact, if we threw all of the feminist ideologies into the same pot, the Bible would strongly oppose 99% of it.

At its root, feminism is built upon a foundation completely devoid of God. The feminist movement is woven with the same sin Satan committed in the beginning. A rebellious heart that pridefully says, “I don’t need you, God. Thanks, but I’ll do things my way.”

真理を呑み込むのは難しいです:キリスト教の女性として、あなたは神の言葉に100%同意できず、同時にフェミニズムに100%同意することはできません。 彼らはほとんどの地域で混ざり合っていません。 事実、フェミニストのイデオロギーをすべて同じ鍋に投げ入れると、聖書はその99%に強く反対します。
その根拠として、フェミニズムは神を全く欠く財団に基づいています。 フェミニストの動きは、最初に犯された同じ罪サタンと織り成されています。 誇らしげに言う反抗的な心、「私はあなた、神が必要ではない。 ありがとう、しかし、私は自分のやり方でやります。

リンク CBE International Why I'm a Christian First, a Feminist Second, and Both at the Same Time Recently, a friend asked me an unexpected question. “Do you identify first as a Christian or as a feminist?” I was surprised by but not unprepared for her question. I’d considered it 5

Why I'm a Christian First, a Feminist Second, and Both at the Same Time
Recently, a friend asked me an unexpected question. “Do you identify first as a Christian or as a feminist?” I was surprised by but not unprepared for her question. I’d considered it before, and the answer is complicated.
最近、友人が私に予期しない質問をしました。 「あなたは自分が第一に「キリスト教徒」または「フェミニスト」のどちらとして認識していますか?」私は驚いていましたが、準備ができていませんでした。 私はそれを前に考えていたし、答えは複雑です。
Many Christians believe that Christianity and feminism are incompatible. But this assumption is drawn from biased definitions of both feminism and Christianity.
多くのクリスチャンは、キリスト教とフェミニズムが両立しないと信じています。 しかし、この仮定は、フェミニズムとキリスト教の両方の偏った定義から導き出されたものです。

Simply put, feminism advocates for the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. It asks difficult questions about gender socialization, gender roles, and systemic inequalities. It examines how gender is impacted by the nature/nurture debate. It speaks into issues like child marriage, domestic violence, female genital mutilation, rape culture, and the gender pay gap. Although some use feminism as a covering for destructive, radical activities, the majority of feminists, including myself, do not.
簡単に言えば、フェミニズムは、性別の政治的、経済的、社会的平等を提唱しています。 ジェンダーの社会化、ジェンダーの役割、そして体系的な不平等といった困難な問題について問いかけます。 ジェンダーが自然/討議をどのようにして影響を受けるかを検証しています。 児童結婚、家庭内暴力、女性性器切除、強姦文化、ジェンダーの賃金格差などの問題を話します。 破壊的で根源的な活動のための名目としてフェミニズムを使用する人もいるが、フェミニストの大半は自分自身を含めてそんなことはしません。

When I read the Bible, I see this type of feminism modelled from the very beginning. Genesis 1:27-28 reads:
私が聖書を読むとき、私はこのタイプのフェミニズムが最初からモデル化されているのを見ます。 創世記1:27-28:

Christianity and feminism are not opposites. They are interconnected. So I’m a Christian first, a feminist second, and both at the same time.
キリスト教とフェミニズムは反対ではない。 それらは相互に接続されています。 だから、私はキリスト教徒、フェミニズムの第二の人、そしてその両方です。


リンク The Daily Beast Radical Feminists and Conservative Christians Team Up Against Transgender People The right has been using the writings of trans-exclusive radical feminists to justify their crusade. It’s not the first time the far left and far right have teamed up. 49

But this isn’t the first time when radical feminists and religious conservatives, diametrically opposed politically, have worked together in the name of “protecting women.”

In 1986, for example, Dworkin testified—without any evidence to support her claim—that 65 to 70 percent of women involved in sex work had been victims of incest of child abuse. She claimed that “snuff films,” pornography showing women actually dying, were commonplace, when in fact they were an urban legend. And MacKinnon argued that pornography is equivalent to rape.

They made these statements not at arcane academic conferences, but in front of the Meese Commission, and similar entities in Canada. They worked together with right-wing organizations like the Eagle Forum and Concerned Women for America. And, as described in Nadine Strossen’s Defending Pornography, the far left-far right alliance succeeded in passing laws limiting the distribution not just of pornography but of a wide variety of texts and films—including, ironically, two of Dworkin’s own books.


“Abolitionist feminism,” for example, views all sex work as intrinsically sexist and exploitative, regardless of what sex workers might say. Prostitution, abolitionist feminists say, is a form of violence against women.

This view dovetails conveniently with the conservative moralistic view, which regards prostitution as a sin. And while many feminists have called out the conservative shell game, abolitionist feminist writings have been used to justify it.


The fundamentalist-feminist alliance against transgender people is thus the latest in a series of touch points between the two movements.


Trans-exclusionary radical feminism
Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism, or TERF, is a loosely-organized collective with a message of hate and exclusion against transgender women in particular, and transgender people as a whole. They have attached themselves to radical feminism as a means to attempt to deny trans women basic access to health care, women’s groups, restroom facilities, and anywhere that may be considered women’s space.
Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism、すなわちTERFは、特にトランスジェンダーの女性、トランスジェンダーの人々に対する憎悪と排除のメッセージを持つ緩やかな組織集団です。 彼らは、トランス女性がヘルスケア、女性グループ、トイレ施設、そして女性の空間とみなされる場所への基本的なアクセスを否定しようとする手段として、過激なフェミニズムに取り組んできた。


Sofia Julia Sol @SkullMutant

Thread. Learn how to spot TERFS in the wild. twitter.com/valeriehalla/s…

2017-07-14 06:58:29
Valerie Halla @valeriehalla

When it comes to someone's beliefs about trans people, don't trust anyone who insists on calling trans women "male" and trans men "female"

2017-07-13 16:32:16
Ratio Hornblower @OneStrawShort

This post is dedicated to TERFs that search up the word TERF to yell at trans women; your life is incredibly sad

2017-07-16 03:53:45
jillionaire @Jilluminum

terfs calling transness theft make me laugh. Like, I'm gonna roll out from the woman bank with a bag full of unmarked gender

2017-07-19 13:24:44
Natalie'Zorah @TerraSirena

I know why terfs are so obsessed with chromosomes: It's the only ammo they have right now.

2017-07-22 01:09:05
Daddy 🌎 Earth @Bear_of_a_Man

Biology to biologists: complex field that defies simple understanding Biology to TERFS, homophobes, racists: magic word that ends arguments

2017-07-22 02:54:31
FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 @leducviolet

The left meme wars on facebook are good, because there are some people who don't belong on the left (TERFs) & it's good to flush them out pic.twitter.com/NRWOX1ifLL

2017-07-23 16:07:46