#イグノーベル賞 物理学賞「ネコは固体にも液体にもなれる?」記念、液体ネコ画像まとめ

BabaMail @BabaMail_Com

I've heard that cats are almost liquid and can fit in any container. These Photos prove it: bit.ly/BabaCatsFitEve… pic.twitter.com/W5uuq01KqP

2014-12-15 01:27:05
ken king @kking85743

More proof that cats are liquid: conforming to the shape of the corner, um, container. "@Conservative_VW… 😂😂LOL pic.twitter.com/LHbcwfDT1u

2014-12-22 08:00:08
IndSciComm @IndSciComm

Physics #ignobel! To test whether cats are solid or liquid..or both! pic.twitter.com/rwZOwc0z9F

2017-09-15 07:16:50