Is Madoka a good anime?

3-hour Twitter discussion that ensued when @wah__ posted his answer to a formspring question about his disliking Madoka.
wahくん @wah_s63

How does it feel knowing that you're in an EXTREMELY s… — I'm also in an extremely small minority in being part …

2011-03-24 00:41:25
wahくん @wah_s63

By the way, that full question is: How does it feel knowing that you're in an EXTREMELY small minority in regards to your opinion of Madoka?

2011-03-24 00:44:54
wahくん @wah_s63

I hope he replies and doesn't just remain silent.

2011-03-24 00:45:17
wahくん @wah_s63

I gave the dude like a 1000 word answer.

2011-03-24 00:45:06
Denis Moskowitz @DenisMoskowitz

@wah__ Pretty great answer, and your parting shot was nicely vicious.

2011-03-24 00:47:49
wahくん @wah_s63

@DenisMoskowitz Yeah, I hope the guy actually responds back.

2011-03-24 01:05:09
Noyy ):( @dmortifywords

@wah__ If that's how you really feel, then it's cool. If not, well...

2011-03-24 00:53:48
wahくん @wah_s63

@drmchsr0 What benefit would being dishonest bring me? ON THE INTERNET, even?

2011-03-24 01:04:50
Noyy ):( @dmortifywords

@wah__ I tend to associate wall of text with obscuration. That, and you've previously mentioned you don't like Gen.

2011-03-24 01:11:35
wahくん @wah_s63

@drmchsr0 You should associate a lot of text with someone explaining themselves sufficiently.

2011-03-24 01:14:27
wahくん @wah_s63

@drmchsr0 And yes, I don't like Gen, I don't see what that has to do with it.

2011-03-24 01:14:41
Noyy ):( @dmortifywords

@wah__ Too many bad experiences of people using walls of text to try to obscure their answers makes me wary. Also, filibusters.

2011-03-24 01:43:03
Noyy ):( @dmortifywords

@wah__ Your answer could be seen as biased if people knew about it. Emphasis on "could be seen".

2011-03-24 01:44:37
wahくん @wah_s63

@drmchsr0 Why do you hang out with a bunch of dishonest people?

2011-03-24 01:50:47
botoggle ♪♪ 🐎 @botoggle

@wah__ am i going to sound like a dick if i say that i was surprised by how thoughtful the last part of that answer actually was

2011-03-24 00:46:41
Link @linkington

@wah__ Damn, bro. That was much more substantive than I could have expressed on the topic.

2011-03-24 01:05:22
Link @linkington

@wah__ writes a fairly good piece on why Madoka Magica is an overrated disappointment!

2011-03-24 01:07:36
dm @dmunder7

@linkington @wah__ It *is* a good piece. Puzzle is exactly what I'm looking for (Lain is my favorite series), and exactly why I like Madoka.

2011-03-24 03:06:13
Link @linkington

@dmunder7 I don't care about a puzzle when there's nothing all that compelling about it.

2011-03-24 03:24:04
Link @linkington

@dmunder7 Neither is there a mystery because the show's very predictable and the payoff isn't much because the characters are tedious.

2011-03-24 03:24:35
lvlln @lvlln

@wah__ Short answer: you're a hipster, and proud of it!

2011-03-24 01:23:57
wahくん @wah_s63

@lvlln Someone else called me that, and given what I know about hipsters, I don't see how I am one

2011-03-24 01:52:14
lvlln @lvlln

@wah__ No worries. One of the defining characteristics of one is the inability to identify oneself as one.

2011-03-24 02:52:20
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