FUKUSHIMA DIARIES #Fukushima #Japan There are 1.9 million people here living a normal daily life.

This is a movie collection everyday life in Fukushima. For people overseas to find real Fukushima rather than false rumors.
ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

15 Interesting Activities to Experience in Fukushima youtu.be/hW0eDTX-USQ Were there any activities you might be interested in trying?? #Fukushima

2017-12-31 07:04:26
ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

Samurai Girl ~ One Girl's Story of becoming a Samurai(サムライガール〜相馬野馬追) youtu.be/rLpDpP3S38k Soma-Nomaoi is a thousand year old samurai festival in #Fukushima. It's a 3-day festival with parades, horse races, flag catching horse battles, and wild horse catching.

2017-12-31 06:55:45
ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

Right here is the true samurai. ~ The Soma Noma Oi ~ youtu.be/3dNvFdXo7ho #Fukushima The Soma Noma Oi is a historical and traditional festival which has been handed down for generations for over one thousand years.

2017-12-31 06:46:02
ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

For five years in a row, the sake brewed in #Fukushima has won the highest number of gold medals awarded by the Japan National Bureau's Research Institute of Brewing Sake Fukushima – 福島の酒 youtu.be/-X70pvWK4Lw

2017-12-31 02:32:38
ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

フクシマ・ダイアリーズ(FUKUSHIMA DIARIES ) 日本語字幕有りの動画はこちら youtu.be/7cXPX8Lof5A @YouTubeさんから #Fukushima #life_in_Fukushima

2017-12-31 02:05:20

Pharrell Williams- HAPPY FUKUSHIMA

ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

As I thought I wanted to liven up Fukushima where we live, we made this video. HAPPY for YOU from FUKUSHIMA's Young people!! #Fukushima HAPPY / Pharrell Williams ver.Fukushima Senior High youtu.be/BpCjZLE2nQ0

2017-12-31 02:28:45
ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

Fukushima-Hamadori is an area severely affected by the 3/11 disaster. We are thankful for the support and kindness the world has shown us. We are moving forward in search of happiness. Pharrell Williams- HAPPY #FUKUSHIMA HAMADORI 福島県被災地域(JAPAN)youtu.be/sUDn6FGk-40

2017-12-31 02:23:31
ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

Many people might think that Fukushima has been unhappy after 311. But it's not true. Pharrell Williams - HAPPY (Fukushima, Japan) #happyfukushima #happyday #Fukushima youtu.be/B-pk8z8rX2U

2017-12-31 02:17:38
ひょっとここ(一部bot) @hyotto_koko

Pharrell Williams Happy - Koriyama Fukushima Japan - International Excha... youtu.be/C1tObSxjMCI 230 people joined from 30 countries!! Thank you!!

2017-12-31 02:42:44