
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

Fine new paper in @PNASNews on genetic similarity of adolescent friends by @bendomingue @daltonconley @jasondboardman et al pnas.org/content/early/… "echoes and extends"our own work regarding how adult friends exhibit overall genetic similarity, by diverse mechanisms 1/

2018-01-11 01:07:21
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

Our work has included 2/ : 1) Correlated Genotypes in Friendship Networks (2010) pnas.org/content/108/5/… 2) Friendship and Natural Selection (2014) pnas.org/content/111/Su… Social networks are so central to our lives it would be surprising if evolution played no role.

2018-01-11 01:07:22
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

This sort of work on the evolution or friendship is important because, among other things, it shows that natural selection might have a lever to work using associative (non-reproductive) and not just reproductive ties. See also work by Dan Hruschka ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=… 3/

2018-01-11 01:07:22
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

The mechanisms by which friends might come to be genetically correlated are several (see attached list from pnas.org/content/111/Su… ), including choice of particular environments or selection by third-parties, which this new paper by @bendomingue et al nicely detects. 4/ pic.twitter.com/OPgq9AO8wy

2018-01-11 01:07:22
Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

The topic of the evolution of our sociality is covered, among other related topics, in my forthcoming book @littlebrown #BlueprintBook 5/

2018-01-11 01:07:23