Electron ついに宇宙へ…超小型ロケット時代到来

Falcon Heavyで沸いた宇宙ニュースですが、その前には小型ロケットでも大いなる躍進がありました。 ニュージーランドに本拠地を置く米国ベンチャー企業「Rocketlab」により打ち上げられた超小型ロケット「Electron」2号機により、ついに超小型ロケットの商業利用時代が始まったのです。 当時のtweetを纏めました。

Electron 2号機”Still Testing”  迷惑な船で打ち上げが今日に延期されましたが、今日10時43分に再挑戦です! 去年から5回以上発射直前に延期してますが、今日は上手く飛ぶでしょうか? youtube.com/watch?v=eg5234…

2018-01-21 10:35:15
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

T-6 Minutes: Engine readiness is verified at this point, TVC battery charging is disabled, Flight Termination coming up on internal power. #StillTesting bit.ly/2Dp5vEZ

2018-01-21 10:37:48

Electron2号機 StillTestting には、DoveとLemur-2 2機の合計3機のキューブサットが搭載されています。 あと1分で打ち上げです。 youtube.com/watch?v=eg5234…

2018-01-21 10:42:46
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

#Electron has begun pressurizing its Liquid Oxygen tanks for flight, Strongback umbilical purge is underway.

2018-01-21 10:42:24
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

#Electron now stands fully pressurized for liftoff, water deluge system is active. Engines are readying for ignition at T-3 seconds, to be followed by launch commit and hold-down release once all nine are operational.

2018-01-21 10:43:12

Electron2号機 Still Testing LIFT OFF!!!! youtube.com/watch?v=eg5234…

2018-01-21 10:44:28
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

Powered by its nine Rutherford engines, #Electron is climbing with a thrust of 16,500 Kilogram-force. Vertical ascent is complete and the vehicle is now aligned with its ascent path to the south-south-east. bit.ly/2Dp5vEZ

2018-01-21 10:44:10
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

FAIRING SEPARATION - #Electron has departed the discernible atmosphere and dropped its two fairing halves. Now about to enter new territory as it passes the point where its first launch ended. bit.ly/2Dp5vEZ

2018-01-21 10:46:59


2018-01-21 10:47:24

第2段は正常に燃焼中、いけええ~~! pic.twitter.com/1oaPRofuRT

2018-01-21 10:48:35
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

T+4 Minutes: All remains nominal aboard the #Electron launch vehicle. Good telemetry reported. #StillTesting bit.ly/2Dp5vEZ

2018-01-21 10:47:45


2018-01-21 10:49:37

ダウンレンジの関係で中継は乱れるかも とのこと。

2018-01-21 10:50:00
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

6.5 minutes into the flight and #Electron appears to be on track with just under two minutes remaining in powered flight. bit.ly/2Dp5vEZ #StillTesting

2018-01-21 10:50:19
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

#StillTesting is targeting an orbit of 300 x 500 Kilometers, inclined 83°. The line between achieving orbit and not making an orbit at all is small - #Electron is expected to reach orbit just six seconds before Stage 2 finishes its burn. bit.ly/2Dp5vEZ

2018-01-21 10:48:45
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

Stage 2 completed a battery hot swap and dropped a depleted battery pack. #Electron

2018-01-21 10:50:41


2018-01-21 10:51:38
Spaceflight101 LIVE @S101_Live

SECO is targeting T+8:14 and the three CubeSats will be ejected from their Maxwell Deployers 17 seconds later. bit.ly/2Dp5vEZ #Electron

2018-01-21 10:51:16