
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider

何か奢ってくれませんか? — askはバグをやめろ…

2018-02-09 10:22:35
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider

無関係な質問が届くバグをなおしてください @askfm #askfm

2018-02-09 10:30:52
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider

今までで手放したくないなーって思ったペットさんいましたか? — 無関係な質問が来るバグをaskは直せ @askfm…

2018-02-09 13:22:15
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider

無関係な質問が届くバグをなおしてください @askfm #askfm

2018-02-09 10:30:52
ASKfm @askfm

@human_face1 Hi, can you explain this issue in details? Thanks!

2018-02-09 16:43:12
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider

@askfm Too many qestions are coming to my account these days, and almost all of them are clearly unrelated to me. Something must be wrong with the Website.

2018-02-09 16:49:44
ASKfm @askfm

@human_face1 Hi, please report all questions you receive and which you find strange. Please tell also your username!

2018-02-09 17:37:06
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider

@askfm Sorry, I deleted all the questions. But I recieve several strange questions every day. My account name is algorithmicism, but these incidents are happening to the other users around me.

2018-02-09 17:58:20
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider


2018-02-09 18:12:40
ASKfm @askfm

@human_face1 Ok, please in future report all these questions. Thanks!

2018-02-09 18:44:23
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider


2018-02-09 18:49:58
中島(変かも) @welcome__spider

@askfm OkだのThanksだの言ってる場合じゃないんですよ。please reportとか言ってこっちに負担押し付けないでくださいよ。そもそも日本語で対応してくださいよ。(In short, I'm angry with your replies.)

2018-02-09 18:55:04