Finally Solving the Expression Problem #tryswiftconf

Collecting "Finally Solving the Expression Problem" tweets. Everyone can edit this togetter. If there are some mistakes, please edit.
Daigo Wakabayashi @frnk

今年は暗号通貨とかブロックチェーンとかってワードをちらほら聞くなあ。 #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:00:08
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a representation of UIView hierarchy and manipulate it different ways? #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:00:54
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

Subclassing UIKit and enums don’t work in solving ththe expression problem #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:02:55
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

Pretend that we have an enumkit and then render the views in the library using recursive traversal #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:04:30
Yoshi-kuni @yoshikuni_kato

I think the Elm Architecture sample at also uses views as enum. #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:04:47
だっちゃん @dchn2904

はぁ、これは面白い考え方だ  #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:04:50
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

By making a renderUIView function, we can recover most of the power of the UIKit #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:04:53
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

What’s cool about this is that we can also render to NSView #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:05:13
Masayuki Iwai @myb

React NativeのjsxでやっているようなことをSwiftのenumでやっちゃう感じかー。 #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:05:30
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

Need something that can solve both problems - ability to add new items(e.g custom MapView) and ability to add new representations #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:06:33
archived 👋 (moaible) @moaible

UITableView、UICollectionViewとかだとよくやる #tryswiftconf

2018-03-02 10:06:46