
まあ、俺も海外と言えるけどね。 翻訳して引用リツイートしたら意外と反応帰ってきた。
BlueHat @BlueHat_t

そういえば私の作ったゲームが勝手に翻訳されて違法アップロードされてたのでダウンロードして自分のページで英語版として販売しました 割と儲かりました ありがとうどっかの知らん人  dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work…

2018-07-14 22:15:20


ネットで通りすがるブラジル人 @ntbxp

TL: "Someone arbitrarily translated and illegally uploaded my game so I downloaded it and sold it as english version. Got more money than expected. Thanks whoever-wherever-guy who did it." twitter.com/BlueHat_t/stat…

2018-07-16 11:10:21



revived after ruined shine @Xythar

be warned this is nsfw if you click through, but also, lmao twitter.com/ntbxp/status/1…

2018-07-16 11:47:58
CoffeeFlux @coffeeflux2

@Xythar I'm not sure this is really that entertaining While illegally uploading the eng-tld game is shitty, I don't think that justifies making money off a fantl...

2018-07-16 11:52:26
CoffeeFlux @coffeeflux2

@Xythar I'm inclined to give the guy more leeway since it's doujin, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth

2018-07-16 11:53:55
revived after ruined shine @Xythar

@coffeeflux2 i think the concept of officially licensing fan tls is something that only really exists in the VN world like my attitude with fansubs has always been "this release isn't legal to begin with so you can do whatever with it and we don't care"

2018-07-16 11:57:17
CoffeeFlux @coffeeflux2

@Xythar idk, even though officially licensing fansubs isn't a thing I'd be fairly uncomfortable with a professional company stealing a fansub for official release It's definitely a grey area, but not behavior I think ought to be encouraged

2018-07-16 11:59:48
revived after ruined shine @Xythar

@coffeeflux2 but that's because they're professionals, so you'd expect them to be selling a professional translation

2018-07-16 12:01:57
CoffeeFlux @coffeeflux2

@Xythar at least for me it's more about them profiting off someone else's work when they don't have the rights then some idea of professionals in this industry having standards

2018-07-16 12:03:46
revived after ruined shine @Xythar

@coffeeflux2 that's where it falls apart for me because it's not like the original translator had the rights either

2018-07-16 12:05:04
CoffeeFlux @coffeeflux2

@Xythar they definitely didn't have the right to reupload the game, but fan translation itself is pretty unclear, and he has the rights to his translation itself I also don't think the response to 'fantl did something shitty' ought to be 'respond with something equally bad'

2018-07-16 12:07:55


🎄The Seibaa Clause🎄 @SeibaaHomu

Gonna quote tweet this because the tweet within this tweet has a very NSFW picture. But I had to RT cause this is so funny. twitter.com/ntbxp/status/1…

2018-07-16 19:34:35
