
しましまのKDD2018の参加・聴講記録 http://www.kdd.org/kdd2018/
Bryan Liu @liuchbryan

Come join us at the #AdKDD & TargetAd workshop in #KDD2018, where we discuss how advertisers can design experiments to measure incrementality of ad campaigns on Facebook. Workshop: adkdd-targetad.wixsite.com/2018 Paper: docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/b6ac34_4ac… w/ @ElaineBettaney @b_p_chamberlain

2018-08-16 22:29:18

#KDD2018 The program of the first OCEANS Workshop @ KDD is finalised! See our website (sites.google.com/view/oceans-kd…) for more information. #SIGKDD Looking forward to seeing you in London~ pic.twitter.com/6tWixcDLqP

2018-08-17 06:45:25
Ingo Scholtes @ingo_S

Very excited about our hands-on tutorial on Higher-Order Network Analytics taking place AUG 22 at KDD'18 in London! Will give an in-depth introduction to #pathpy 2.0, to be released today! ingoscholtes.github.io/kdd2018-tutori… @kdd_news

2018-08-17 16:42:28
しましま @shima__shima

今日からイギリスはロンドンでのKDD2018に向けて出発.国際会議 53回目,KDD 11回目,イギリス 3回目,ロンドン 2回目.欧州でのKDDは2009年のパリ以来2度目.

2018-08-18 05:23:32
@smolix@sigmoid.social 🇺🇦 @smolix

Join us at #KDD2018 for a deep learning tutorial on #NLP, scalability and computer vision in #MxNet #Gluon. kdd18.mxnet.io

2018-08-18 05:43:54
Y.Motohashi @ysk_moto

ロンドンいってくる 夏休み隣接ということもあってtutorialDAYすっ飛ばして1日遅れのKDD2018参加。ちょっと後悔してる

2018-08-19 07:51:14
しましま @shima__shima

8月19日 (日) :チュートリアルの日

2018-08-19 14:25:25
Douglas Mcilwraith @dgm_doug

KDD 2018 has arrived! Great day of tutorials ahead! Pick up your badges at the registration desk people! #KDD2018 #MachineLearning #data #Datascience #AI pic.twitter.com/xWVaSOdyQF

2018-08-19 14:42:57
Alex Shum @NotAlexShum

#KDD2018 posting about a talk on social media on social media pic.twitter.com/24HJSaGJRc

2018-08-19 16:03:24
Luis Aburto @luaburto

#KDD2018 line for registration. I should arrive before pic.twitter.com/DKG2BGAaTV

2018-08-19 16:03:45
しましま @shima__shima

登録の列が長くて,開始を10分遅らせる旨のアナウンス. 数1000人集まる会議だと,こうなってしまうな

2018-08-19 16:04:54
Mike Hudgell @MikeHudgell

#KDD2018 RETAIN fully interpretable linear model, great stuff! pic.twitter.com/75sLNgFygO

2018-08-19 17:40:49
Paul Agapow @agapow

At the #DeepLearning in #healthcare workshop at #kdd2018. Congratulations to colleagues @dgm_doug and Kai Sun for all the work they've done getting the event together. pic.twitter.com/D9GaOBHIgI

2018-08-19 18:00:16
Anita Yorker @anitayorker

'Kenreisman/machine-learning' Top: @peteskomoroch: 'Huge backlog in lines at #KDD2018 registration, apparently because everyone needs to read and sign a GDPR agreement. Thanks GDPR. ' pic.twitter.com/tnbcA2PEBi, see more tweetedtimes.com/v/1406?s=tnp

2018-08-19 18:13:09
Amit Sharma @ NeurIPS @amt_shrma

at #KDD2018 ? Interested in estimating effects of algorithms or applying ML to societal domains like healthcare? Check out our tutorial on causal inference and counterfactual reasoning at 1pm today @emrek @kdd_news causalinference.gitlab.io/kdd-tutorial/

2018-08-19 18:27:10
Sofiane Abbar @SofianeAbbar

Are you attending #KDD2018? Don't miss our tutorial on the science of algorithmic map inference today at 1PM. sites.google.com/view/algorithm…

2018-08-19 18:32:03
超循環評価器 @hagino3000


2018-08-19 18:44:52
Pete Skomoroch @peteskomoroch

Interesting tutorial today at #KDD2018 from @MSFTResearch on Representation Learning for Networks aminer.cn/kdd18-sna pic.twitter.com/qlhw1R8Adv

2018-08-19 19:39:53
Bryan @GilbertGravis

I'm also looking forward to this presentation by a group at Amazon on automated fact checking: shiralkarprashant.github.io/fact-checking-… #KDD2018

2018-08-19 19:45:08
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