Just a reminder:

In case you want to hear it:
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

You should be so proud of yourself for making it through this week, especially if you didn’t think you could.

2018-07-28 09:04:50
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

In case you need to here this: - You’re doing better than you think - Your best is perfectly okay - It’s okay to have bad days

2018-07-29 12:32:18
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

You are not your mistakes. You are not your failures. You are not your bad days. You are not your illness. You are not your insecurities.

2018-07-30 12:03:03
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

You're stronger. You're stronger than your illness. You're stronger than your demons. You're stronger than your sadness. You're stronger than your bad days. You're stronger than you think.

2018-08-03 11:47:42
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

You are worthy of love. You are worthy of respect. You are worthy of respect. Especially from yourself.

2018-08-11 13:28:02
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

If you’re seeing this right now and you need a sign, this is it. - You are loved - You are stronger - You can do this

2018-08-18 11:50:24
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

It’s okay if you had a bad day today. It’s okay if you didn’t meet any goals. It’s okay if you try again tomorrow. You survived. It’s okay.

2018-08-19 12:29:23
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

Sometimes your mind plays tricks on you. It makes you think things that aren’t true. Just in case that’s happening to you today: - You are loved - You are worth it - You are strong - You do have a purpose - You can get through this

2018-08-27 12:11:12
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

For everyone starting school again: This is your reminder that it’s okay if you’re not going at the same pace as everyone else. You’re doing your best and that is completely okay. Just keep trying.

2018-08-26 11:48:39
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

Friendly reminder that slow progress is still progress. You’ll get where you need to be, don’t worry.

2018-09-04 11:39:23
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

You don’t need to be okay all the time. It’s okay if today wasn’t good. It’s okay if this week hasn’t been good. Everything will turn out how it’s supposed to, just be patient.

2018-09-07 12:18:56
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

Having a mental illness isn’t something you should be ashamed of, and neither is talking about it. The only way the stigma around mental health will change is if we keep talking, so don’t stop.

2018-09-09 12:35:04
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

It's okay if you're not okay yet. It's okay if you're still working on yourself. It's okay to not have good days every day.

2018-09-10 13:05:18
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

If you want to be open about your struggles, that's okay. If you don't feel comfortable talking about them, that's okay, too. We all heal in different ways. Do what's best for you.

2018-09-12 10:19:22
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

It takes time to love yourself. It takes time to heal. It takes time to get better. Please don't rush yourself, you'll get there.

2018-09-14 06:43:01
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

You are allowed to eat. You are allowed to rest. You are allowed to say no. You are allowed to take a break. You are allowed to put yourself first.

2018-10-29 12:36:05
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

Suicide is serious. Suicide is devastating. We need to talk about it and spread awareness about it. We need to get rid of the stigma around mental illness and suicide so we can help those who are suffering.

2018-10-28 13:20:13
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

Stop belittling yourself. You deserve love from yourself. You deserve love from other people. You deserve good things in life. You deserve to be happy and healthy. You deserve the world.

2018-10-27 11:50:28
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

Reminder for those you need it: You’re not a failure. You’re not unfixable. You’re not a burden. You’re not a problem.

2018-10-26 13:42:53
Against Suicide @AgainstSuicide

Just because you are broken does not mean you aren’t fixable. It doesn’t mean you aren’t lovable. It doesn’t mean you aren’t capable. You are still a person, and you still deserve the world.

2018-10-24 12:41:32