
英題名は _The Princess and the Pilot_
(…) @pc_unko

#カッコイイお金の使い方 「とある飛空士の追憶」のラスト。私は小川麻衣子先生の漫画版が好きです。(画像は適当に拾いました) pic.twitter.com/2L9HRgJynd

2018-03-12 18:27:15
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

とある飛空士への追憶 1巻 csbs.shogakukan.co.jp/book/detail-vo… この女の子、私の「エマ」と重なる。 プロトタイプ(のひとつ)が、おそらくあの公国のあの妃殿下だからでしょうか。

2018-09-16 20:09:27
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"Why are you accepting it?" "I'm a mercenary. I'll be happy as long as they give me a huge reward and hush money." "It doesn't make sense. You should take credit for it, too." "You say that?" "Yes." pic.twitter.com/LWbmI3tSdW

2018-09-16 21:02:55
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"What brings you to the sky?" "Do you like war?" pic.twitter.com/efk8muk2Qp

2018-09-17 16:22:20
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"He would sure say 'No' if I asked it. Seems like he's the last person to kill people unless he's in war." "Me, too. I hate war." pic.twitter.com/1l4m1WSKAp

2018-09-17 16:30:16
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

「どうして空を飛ぶの?」 これを「Why do you fly in the sky?」なんて直訳すると  どうして空で飛ぶの?ほかでもいいじゃん とネイティヴには受け取られてしまうので  What brings you to the sky? (あなたを空に駆り立てるものは何) とするのがコツなり。 pic.twitter.com/PclVBqtcmu

2018-09-17 19:38:15
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"I must conserve my strength for tomorrow, the final day of the flight." "I was surprised in the morning." "I'm really sorry." pic.twitter.com/PDPiFQQECm

2018-09-18 02:16:02

"You surprised me in the morning." のほうがいいかな。

uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

「体力を温存します」→「わが強さを保存せねば」(I must conserve my strength)と、さっとかみ砕けるのが同時通訳者の頭。 そのかわり15分で焼き切れる。 「せねば」を「have to」ではなく「must」にしたのは、天から下されし使命であるというニュアンスを出したかったから。

2018-09-18 11:25:55
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku


2018-09-18 11:28:12
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"'We're all the same in the sky.' That was what you told me when we were attacked by the enemies. You told a lie? I would hate you if you did." pic.twitter.com/E5AgD178vk

2018-09-18 15:42:11
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

これ、どう英訳したらいいんだろう。  He's trying to sidestep! "Catch and cook as much as you want!" でどうかな。 pic.twitter.com/J6KZ7AM8zR

2018-09-20 22:45:04
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"So you mean you hate me having a drink? You forgot you got drunk last night? You drunken pilot! Have it!" "No, ma'am." "All right, I'll have it." "No, you can't." pic.twitter.com/KbPflj7651

2018-09-20 22:51:40
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"I grew up like a caged bird, watched by guards." pic.twitter.com/CY4uFqWlln

2018-09-20 22:58:28
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"My chest is now full of something I'd like to share with him. That is so sweet and making my chest so tight. What is this? What is it called?" pic.twitter.com/hUskXAW7ZY

2018-09-20 23:14:40
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"Those are colonies. Pretty common, ma'am." "But I've not seen those ones before! Why not go see them? I'd like to visit the place." pic.twitter.com/MwcJ4FjTv9

2018-09-21 02:17:40
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"You mean I am a coward?" "Yes! You called me Fana the day before yesterday. You said we're all the same in the sky and then the next day you behave yourself and start to call me by 'ma'am.' That's ridiculous. You always call me Fana in your mind. Right? I knew it." pic.twitter.com/jn0d0eKeGi

2018-09-21 03:02:00
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"You can call me by my first name. Come on. I don't mind." "I can't, ma'am. Hey, look, ma'am! You must bring it back to me." "I will, after you call me Fana."

2018-09-21 03:03:13
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"You know, you're going to come with me." ここで「be going to」を使ったのは「もうその方向で回っているんだからねっ」のニュアンスを出すため。 pic.twitter.com/hMWyGvQvrg

2018-09-24 15:47:16
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"Charles!" "They will refuse me coming with you. I am merely a hired pilot." "No! You come with me!" pic.twitter.com/Y3OnW30QRo

2018-09-24 19:50:14
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"Fana... I'm afraid you will see how they would see our little journey." pic.twitter.com/FLC6ZikRbX

2018-09-24 20:10:39
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

"That was how I kept myself within the walls and lived in loneliness. I was happy enough in there until I met you. That's all your fault, Charles!" pic.twitter.com/q1WPWVXt15

2018-09-29 04:05:45
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

twitter.com/KaoruKumi/stat… 「That's all your fault」よりも「You've changed me. That's all your fault!」のほうがいいかな。

2018-09-29 18:35:09
uroak_miku @Uroak_Miku

そうそう敵機が群れなして襲いかかってきて風防のガラスが割れて雨風びゅーびゅーのなか「あなたは私と同じ人間よ」と叫ぶ姫様、これは「You're no different from me. Yes, we're all the same!」がいいかな。「humans」を使うと「動物じゃないわよ」と聞こえてしまうから。

2018-09-29 18:45:39