間違える確率を0にはできないのだから適当でいいという考えの不誠実さ(2019.1.6作成) #宮崎早野論文

asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-04 18:10:28
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 09:45:06
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 09:49:12
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

"We who were scandalized in 1940 when men were sent to fight armored tanks with rifles, are not scandalized when young men and women are sent into the world to fight massed propaganda with a smattering of "subjects";"

2019-01-05 09:49:49
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

"and when whole classes and whole nations become hypnotized by the arts of the spell binder, we have the impudence to be astonished."

2019-01-05 09:50:05
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

少し前に戻って。"Has it ever struck you as odd, or unfortunate, that today, when the proportion of literacy throughout Western Europe is higher than it has ever been, people should have become susceptible to the influence of advertisement and mass propaganda to an extent ..."

2019-01-05 09:51:42
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

"... hitherto unheard of and unimagined?"

2019-01-05 09:51:53
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

後ろの方。"The disrepute into which Formal Logic has fallen is entirely unjustified; and its neglect is the root cause of nearly all those disquieting symptoms which we have noted in the modern intellectual constitution."

2019-01-05 09:54:26
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

"Logic has been discredited, partly because we have come to suppose that we are conditioned almost entirely by the intuitive and the unconscious."

2019-01-05 09:55:07
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

"There is no time to argue whether this is true; I will simply observe that to neglect the proper training of the reason is the best possible way to make it true."

2019-01-05 09:55:17
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 09:56:54
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

"For the sole true end of education is simply this: to teach men (sic) how to learn for themselves; and whatever instruction fails to do this is effort spent in vain."

2019-01-05 10:06:17
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

"what the writer rightly calls the "distressing fact" that the intellectual skills bestowed upon us by our education are not readily transferable to subjects other than those in which we acquired them: "he remembers what he has learnt, but forgets altogether how he learned it.""

2019-01-05 12:10:55

asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

敢えて早野龍五氏を擁護(というか相対化)する文脈を考えてみる。 「百田尚樹氏の剽窃フェイク本が流通し続け作家生命が終わりにならず、古市落合対談がフェイクニュースの仲間ではなく何か意味があるものであるかのように受け取られているのに、早野さんだけ批判するのは変じゃない?」

2019-01-05 10:25:53
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 10:28:18
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 10:32:00
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 10:34:18

asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ

ここで取り上げられているSPAの記事、「古市落合対談」について古市氏が改めて自ら確認した態度と共通している。 change.org/p/%E9%80%B1%E5…

2019-01-05 10:38:51
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 10:42:21
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 10:44:44
asadori_Qly @AsadoriQ


2019-01-05 10:46:43