
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

The last day of #LPSC2019 . Seemingly less people seen in venue, big baggage around the room, farewells in everywhere.

2019-03-22 23:04:34
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

The Geologic Context of Major Lunar Mare Pits (Kerber): Analogs from Earth's lava holes and detailed remote sensing images are key to resolve origin of lunar pits. Also, pits are the good outcrops representing lava layers. #LPSC2019

2019-03-22 23:36:20
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

The analog and hypotheses based on obs on Mecurry, Venus & Columbia River basalt, she discuss geologic context (occurence) of lunar pits. It is really interesting each pit has different geologic context, great diversity among them. #LPSC2019

2019-03-22 23:45:20
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

#LPSC2019 における月の縦穴についての発表。地球や水星、金星などの玄武岩溶岩の噴出との比較、そしてリモートセンシングによる地質から、各地域とも実は地質学的にかなりの違いがあることを論じている。

2019-03-22 23:46:24
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

実際のところ、月の縦穴を世界ではじめて見つけたのは日本の月探査衛星「かぐや」であり、現在その縦穴探査のための「うずめ計画」が検討中。 moonstation.jp/challenge/lex/… 日本がお金がなくて遅れているうちに、海外が縦穴研究をどんどん進めている。 #LPSC2019

2019-03-22 23:48:19
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

One thing I must say as a Japanese is that the explorer which found a lunar pit for the first time is Japanese explorer "Kaguya", which I was deeply involved as Camera scientist and data processing engineer. I hope we Japanese have more research on this lunar pit. #LPSC2019

2019-03-22 23:49:43
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

Calculated Thicknesses of Volcanically Derived Water Ice Deposits at the Lunar Poles (Needham): There are several difference of lunar water occurence, centered at North Pole on surface (modern accumulation?), below 1m between 90E & 180E (anscient accumulation?). #LPSC2019

2019-03-23 00:05:14
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

According to simulation, ice with 1.5m thick have been deposited in stable regions at each lunar pole. These may be ancient lunar atmosphere (volcanic) origin. The source of volatiles can affect the composition of H2O isotopes & alteration minerals such as hematite. #LPSC2019

2019-03-23 00:12:40
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers


2019-03-23 00:13:57
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

もう1つ、月の水は資源としても注目されているが、科学的にみてもし古代の月の環境を保存している(あるいはそれを知るためのきっかけになる)とすれば、それをむやみに利用してよいのかということにもつながる。 #LPSC2019

2019-03-23 00:14:49
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

Tuesday's presentation on #Hayabusa2 result still not released from JAXA in English. After coming back to Japan, I will ask JAXA PR office whether they will issue English version of press release. So STAY TUNED. #LPSC2019 global.jaxa.jp

2019-03-23 00:47:21
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

Moderately Volatile Elements in Lunar and Martian Meteorites (Burney): aside from presentation contents, his presentation is very good to see, with attention of coloration and font size. #LPSC2019

2019-03-23 01:16:42
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

Total of 53 lunar samples analyzed. Low/High-Ti, KREEP, Impact melt. Also Orange & Green Glass picked from samples. Also, Mars has more complex geologic context. Several SNC meteorites & Shergottites has been analyzed. #LPSC2019

2019-03-23 01:25:21
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

The Moon Volatile Elements show evidence of a degassing event that effected high-Ti basalt source region as well as KREEP. Lunar meteorites are most similar to low-Ti Apollo samples. #LPSC2019

2019-03-23 01:30:04
LPItoday @LPItoday

The "final" number of attendees for #LPSC2019 is 2,095! This surpasses the previous record of 1,823 attendees for #LPSC2013.

2019-03-23 00:08:54
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

LPSCの参加者、2013年の1823人をはるかに越え、ついに2000人の大台に達したとのこと。ニューホライズンズ、はやぶさ2、オシリス・レックス、インサイトなど注目ミッションが目白押しだったことも寄与したと思う。Thanks @LPItoday ! twitter.com/LPItoday/statu…

2019-03-23 01:33:19
Junya Terazono 寺薗淳也 @terakinizers

All #LPSC2019 complete with many succeess, finding & wonders. Our passion for curiosity will continue to #LPSC2020 .

2019-03-23 01:53:24