

Day 5
BBC番組の反響 Program of Sir. Attenborough
他の地域の行動 Other area actions
グレタ・トゥーンベリ Greta Thungberg
スクールストライキ Schoolstrike4Climate
米国で In USA
その他 Others
アースディ関係 Everyday is Earth Day

Day 5

AFPBB News @afpbbcom

英首都ロンドンでは、気候変動の危険性を訴える活動家らによる大規模なデモにより市内の一部で交通がまひするなどしており、デモ… afpbb.com/articles/-/322…

2019-04-19 16:01:01
鯨類に感謝 Thanks Cetacea(くじらの消費者運動@yundagananikayoの者) @irukanigohan

ロンドンの気候変動のデモ行動で、今週だけで環境活動家570人が逮捕されたと。 twitter.com/ajplus/status/…

2019-04-20 03:32:34
AJ+ @ajplus

"Our planet is in serious trouble." Emma Thompson joined hundreds of activists staging sit-ins across London to protest for government action on climate change. They want to cut carbon emissions to net zero by 2025. Police have arrested 570 protesters this week. pic.twitter.com/OeAj84Z99o

2019-04-20 01:50:54
Nicola J Fuller @nicolafuller22

#ExtinctionRebellionLondon REBELLION Farhana Yamin, a respected climate change lawyer; she helped negotiate the Paris Agreement, was arrested. Her reason for taking direct action? “Because writing books wasn’t working”. pic.twitter.com/t5hxk9aYd4

2019-04-17 19:30:07
Good Morning Britain @GMB

'The finger should be now pointed at the government.' Extinction Rebellion coordinator Jamie Kelsey-Fry explains what will stop the climate change protests in London, saying they have made their demands clear with the government. pic.twitter.com/ECZRWvFrt6

2019-04-18 14:47:42
Real Media @RealMediaGB

WATCH: Five days and over 500 arrests...and counting. Into the 5th day of @ExtinctionR occupying four major London sites, we are still witnessing a peaceful yet powerful display of protest against the government's inaction on the #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChangeTheFacts pic.twitter.com/GfvJMwYyip

2019-04-19 19:48:16
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Rebel defenders from Habacher forest have arrived at Marble Arch. We salute their courage and long campaign to protect a forest from being turned into a coal mine. #ExtinctionRebellion @XRBerlin pic.twitter.com/YmSWUBf1qu

2019-04-19 20:32:21
Dale Vince @DaleVince

This week's peaceful protests organised by Extinction Rebellion, and powered by the people - have been big, bold and beautiful. Politicians running the clock down on Brexit is one thing, doing the same on Climate Change is unforgivable. standard.co.uk/news/crime/ext…

2019-04-19 21:08:12
Extinction Rebellion Greenwich @XRGreenwich

Pram swarm starting from Marble Arch to show support to Oxford Circus💪🐒👶👧👦🙉🌈 #XRfamilieslondon @ExtinctionR #ClimateChange awareness pic.twitter.com/T1vIguai8x

2019-04-19 22:32:13
Andrew Murphy @AndrewTMurphy

Spot on from Emma Thompson. Fly less, or dont fly if you can, but the question is a distraction from asking why governments dont regulate ✈️ emissions, and exposing the role the airlines play in blocking action. bbc.com/news/av/uk-479…

2019-04-20 00:39:44
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

If you do not move you could face arrest and if you do move you might be the last generation of human life on the Earth was the dilemma faced by @XrYouth earlier at @HeathrowAirport. #RebelForLife 🌱🐞🐌: rebellion.earth pic.twitter.com/z1HQNjrIuU

2019-04-20 02:08:40
Ron Fassbender @TheWeeklyBull

Actress Emma Thompson showing solidarity with #ClimateChange activists from @ExtinctionR in Oxford Circus today, shortly after police arrived en masse. pic.twitter.com/DOauqmD0mr

2019-04-20 02:56:03
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