
CODEPINK @codepink

Feminist grassroots organization working to support peace & human rights & end U.S. wars & militarism.


CODEPINK @codepink

Tell the @nytimes to stop lying to the people of the world. From #Venezuela to #Iran, the "newspaper of record" is spews regime change propaganda for the US empire. codepink.org/nyt_iran pic.twitter.com/usQhl9Tjzg

2019-05-17 23:00:51
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

2002年~3年まで、マスコミはイラクの大量破壊兵器についてのウソの話を宣伝する任務。 今、NYタイムズはまた同じ事をしている NYタイムズに対し、ボルトンのイラン戦争の宣伝に加担しないよう伝えてください Send a Message to the New York Times | CODEPINK codepink.org/nyt_iran

2019-05-18 00:17:20
CODEPINK @codepink

(1/X) Lots of lies about #Iran in recent days. So let's be clear: Iran has not made any threats against the US/its allies. However, key figures in Trump admin (including Nat'l Security Advisor & architect of the Iraq War @AmbJohnBolton) have been plotting a war on Iran for years.

2019-05-18 04:19:35
CODEPINK @codepink

@AmbJohnBolton (2/X) Without any proof, these figures use baseless claims & lies that #Iran is building a nuclear weapon and could attack US 'interests' in Iraq or in other countries in the region.

2019-05-18 04:21:16
CODEPINK @codepink

@AmbJohnBolton (3/X) #Iran has not breached or violated the #IranNuclearDeal. Iran wants to REMAIN in the deal, but US sanctions on Iran’s oil (its main export) is devastating Iran’s economy & hurting the Iranian people.

2019-05-18 04:22:28
CODEPINK @codepink

@AmbJohnBolton (4/X) After patiently waiting for a year, #Iran has reached out to Europe to provide sanctions relief within 60 days. If Iran does not receive relief, it will slowly stop complying with the agreement.

2019-05-18 04:25:31
CODEPINK @codepink

@AmbJohnBolton (5/X) The International Atomic Energy Agency, US intelligence, & a British general have reported that #Iran is NOT pursuing nuclear weapons & that there are NO real proliferation threats. Yet Bolton & Pompeo have used rhetoric that implies Iran IS building nuclear weapons. Lies!

2019-05-18 04:28:32
CODEPINK @codepink

Is this your foreign policy strategy? Confuse the people of the world and create chaos? The people of #Iran deserve to live in peace. twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…

2019-05-18 02:14:47
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

With all of the Fake and Made Up News out there, Iran can have no idea what is actually going on!

2019-05-18 01:53:00
CODEPINK @codepink

Military intervention in: -Afghanistan? Necessary -Iraq? Necessary -Libya? Necessary -Syria? Necessary This is what the warhawks ALWAYS say. Don’t fall for it. #HandsOffVenezuela twitter.com/scottforflorid…

2019-05-18 01:48:56
Rick Scott @ScottforFlorida

Military intervention in Venezuela may be necessary. Russian troops are already in Venezuela. Do you think it would be in our national interest to allow the Russians — or the Cubans, the Iranians or Chinese — to install military bases there?washingtonpost.com/opinions/globa…

2019-05-17 22:09:44
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

米国で最も悪名高い戦争屋の一人である @SenTomCotton は、うそをつき、うそをつき、そしてまたうそをつきます。 彼はまさに若いバージョンの @AmbJohnBolton です。 #NoWarWithIran twitter.com/codepink/statu…

2019-05-18 05:01:14
CODEPINK @codepink

British General Chris Ghika: "There's been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in Iraq and Syria.” But of course @SenTomCotton, one of the US’s most notorious warmongers, lies, lies, and lies again. He’s really just a younger version of @AmbJohnBolton. #NoWarWithIran twitter.com/thehill/status…

2019-05-18 01:42:22
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

イランとのトランプ/ボルトン/ MBSの戦争に抵抗することは、「2020年の民主党候補者のためのリトマステスト」であるべきです。 イランとの戦争は絶対的な破滅であるため、イラクは公園の散歩のように見えます。 twitter.com/mehdirhasan/st…

2019-05-18 04:43:20
Mehdi Hasan @mehdirhasan

Resisting a Trump/Bolton/MBS war with Iran should be a "litmus test for 2020 [Democratic] candidates" because a war with Iran "would be an absolute catastrophe, it would make Iraq look like a walk in the park." Me, speaking on @MSNBC last night with @chrislhayes & @brhodes: pic.twitter.com/dCSR8MHaWv

2019-05-17 23:01:58
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

トランプ政権がベネズエラ大使館に突入、活動家を逮捕 Trump Admin Breaks and Enters Venezuela’s Embassy, Arrests Activists therealnews.com/stories/trump-…

2019-05-18 04:29:44
リンク The Real News Network Trump Admin Breaks and Enters Venezuela’s Embassy, Arrests Activists After more than a month of living in the Venezuelan embassy, DC police and secret service broke open the doors to arrest for activists who had been staying in the embassy to protect it against an opposition take-over. The move sets a dangerous precedent, 940
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

「これは直接の挑発であり、通常は相互的な動きを招きます。これは米国大使館を引き継ぐことになります。米国は戦争の行為としてそれを米軍の介入の正当化に利用されうる」 twitter.com/TheRealNews/st…

2019-05-18 04:35:33
The Real News @TheRealNews

"This is a direct provocation that would normally result in a reciprocal move... which would be taking over the US embassy. The US could see that as an act of war and use it as a justification a US military intervention" - @medeabenjamin #VenezuelanEmbassy bit.ly/2JN4Eji

2019-05-18 00:59:05
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

アメリカ政府による恐ろしい先例に関する主流メディアでの報道はほとんどない。 政府は、ベネズエラ大使館に侵入して招待客を逮捕することでウィーン条約に違反した。 彼らは大使館を外交権のない偽の大統領に引き渡すことができるのか? twitter.com/medeabenjamin/…

2019-05-18 05:25:10
Medea Benjamin @medeabenjamin

So little reporting in mainstream media re horrific precedent just set by US govt, violating Vienna Conventions by barging into Venezuela Embassy and arresting invited guests so they can hand Embassy over to a fake president w no diplomatic power?

2019-05-18 02:27:25
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

私の同僚で、家政婦のパキ・ヴィーランドは、ニューヨークにいます。 彼女は終わりに近づくまで大使館の建物の中にいました(私と他の人が窓越しに愛を送っている) twitter.com/ArielElyseGold…

2019-05-18 04:54:02
Ariel Gold אריאל ✡️☮️🕊 @ArielElyseGold

My colleague and housemate Paki Wieland in the @nytimes. She was inside the embassy building until close to the end (me & others sending love up through the window) nytimes.com/2019/05/16/us/… pic.twitter.com/xYbJXS1e5Y

2019-05-18 01:22:54
The Real News @TheRealNews

"This is the time we must build up an anti-war movement, stop the orchestration of a US coup in Venezuela, and stop the US from being dragged into yet another war" - @codepink's @medeabenjamin #VenezuelanEmbassy #venezuelacoup #HandsOffVenezuela bit.ly/2JN4Eji

2019-05-18 04:00:01
Medea Benjamin @medeabenjamin

Hey @petulad, I would love to talk to you about your column re Venezuela embassy. Possible? Medea

2019-05-18 02:23:05
Partnership for Civil Justice Fund @ThePCJF

We are still expecting the four peace activists arrested at the #VenezuelanEmbassy yesterday to be arraigned in federal court this afternoon. 3rd and Constitution. #EmbassyProtectionCollective

2019-05-18 01:47:44
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

trans. グアイドはあらゆる種類の暴力的な政権交代の選択肢を試みたが悲惨に失敗した。 彼は今、米国の爆弾が彼のクーデターを救うことを願っています。 twitter.com/venanalysis/st…

2019-05-18 04:23:26
venezuelanalysis.com @venanalysis

Actually no, he doesn't. @jguaido has tried all sorts of violent regime change options and failed miserably. He now hopes US bombs will rescue his coup. Talks are more likely to be less extremist opposition factions distancing themselves from this (dangerous) embarrassment twitter.com/marcorubio/sta…

2019-05-18 01:02:13
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

国際的なポップアイコン、マドンナがパレスチナのために発言し、正義のために行動する機会を得たことを確認することができます。 そして彼女はそうしなかった。 とてもがっかり。 #BoycottEurovision2019 twitter.com/codepink/statu…

2019-05-18 05:15:44
CODEPINK @codepink

We can confirm that international pop icon @Madonna had the opportunity to speak up and act for justice for Palestine. And she failed to do so. Very disappointing. #BoycottEurovision2019 twitter.com/Eurovision/sta…

2019-05-18 02:17:03
Newsweek @Newsweek

Tulsi Gabbard says she would drop Julian Assange charges and pardon Edward Snowden trib.al/6BFi0eE

2019-05-15 19:20:07