
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

最も今のアメリカをわかりやすく表現した一文: 「トランプ氏は、リビア・イラク・シリアなどの体制転換を支援したネオコンのタカ派に囲まれている」 twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/s…

2019-05-20 04:07:40
Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 @TulsiGabbard

Trump is surrounded by neocon war hawks who supported regime change wars in Libya, Iraq, Syria...now they’re calling for overthrow the govts of Venezuela and Iran, and the result will be the same: thousands of lives lost, trillions wasted, more suffering. tulsi.to/warhawks pic.twitter.com/UbgSr3BevL

2019-04-17 01:17:03
ベネズエラ大使館 @EmbaVEJapon

「トランプ氏は、リビア・イラク・シリアなどの体制転換を支援したネオコンのタカ派に囲まれている。今、彼らはベネズエラとイランの政権転覆を呼びかけている。結果はいつも同じ:何千もの人命が失われ、無数の人々が衰弱し、より多くの人が苦しむ。」 米国の下院議員トゥルシー・ギャバード氏 twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/s…

2019-04-17 09:45:14
Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 @TulsiGabbard

2020 Presidential candidate. Former Congresswoman. Soldier. Surfer. Veteran. Yoga. Inquiries: https://t.co/PI1sHr6kqJ (Views do not reflect position of DoD)


Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 @TulsiGabbard

Trump is surrounded by neocon war hawks who supported regime change wars in Libya, Iraq, Syria...now they’re calling for overthrow the govts of Venezuela and Iran, and the result will be the same: thousands of lives lost, trillions wasted, more suffering. tulsi.to/warhawks pic.twitter.com/UbgSr3BevL

2019-04-17 01:17:03
Ariel Gold אריאל ✡️☮️🕊 @ArielElyseGold

Holy Bananas Pres Trump just sent out an email out to the American public asking if we want him to fire the Mustache (aka @AmbJohnBolton). Read Trump's entire email on @CODEPINK's site and then sign on to #FireBolton codepink.org/should_i_fire_… pic.twitter.com/DZo8XnXPSH

2019-05-20 00:34:43
z. @zachjcarter

Overthrowing governments is bipartisan. Democrats: 2011 Libya 2009 Honduras 1999 Yugoslavia 1966 Ghana 1965 Dominican Republic 1964 Brazil 1964 The Congo Republicans: 2019 Venezuela 2004 Haiti 2003 Iraq 1991 Haiti 1989 Panama 1983 Grenada 1973 Chile 1954 Guatemala 1953 Iran

2019-04-23 01:03:22