(抜粋・ほぼG翻訳)国連人権理事会 デビット・ケイ国連特別報告者の日本公式訪問フォローアップ報告書 30/05/2019


#表現の自由 に関するデビット・ケイ #国連 特別報告者の #日本 公式訪問フォローアップ報告書が公開されています。報道の自由の問題の他、差別禁止法や #沖縄 における状況についても言及されています。ap.ohchr.org/documents/dpag… pic.twitter.com/hqiUNQSU8l

2019-06-04 23:30:47

#表現の自由 に関するデビット・ケイ #国連 特別報告者は、「(日本政府)当局は #沖縄 において平和的に抗議活動をする人びとに対して継続して圧力と不当な制限を課している。」と指摘し、山城博治さんの拘束が恣意的であったと判断した恣意的拘禁に関する国連作業部会の見解を引用しています。 twitter.com/IMADR_Geneva/s…

2019-06-05 06:09:18

(抜粋・ほぼGoogle翻訳)国連人権理事会 デビット・ケイ 国連特別報告者の 日本公式訪問フォローアップ報告書 30/05/2019

II.Follow-up on country visits
Table 1
 Japan: status of implementation of recommendations


  1. Pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 34/18, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression submits the present report in follow-up to the official visits that were undertaken by the mandate holder to Japan (2016), Turkey (2016), Honduras (2012), Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (2011) and Côte d’Ivoire (2004). This is the first such report prepared by the mandate holder.

人権理事会決議34/18に従い、意見と表現の自由の権利の促進と保護に関する特別報告者は、委任状保有者が行った公式訪問の追跡として本報告書を提出する。(訪問先) 日本(2016年)、トルコ(2016年)、ホンジュラス(2012年)、イスラエル、そして占領下のパレスチナ領土(2011年)、コートジボワール(2004年)。 これは、任務保持者が作成した最初の報告書です。

  1. In January 2019, the Special Rapporteur sent questionnaires concerning the status of the recommendations made following the visits to the respective States. The Special Rapporteur also issued an open call for submissions, requesting input from civil society and other interested actors, including in the countries concerned. Replies were received from Honduras, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey, along with 21 submissions from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individuals. Those replies, together with information gathered from United Nations bodies, regional human rights organizations and civil society and publicly available information, have informed the report, in which the status of implementation of each recommendation has been evaluated as falling into one of four categories: implemented, partially implemented, not implemented or contravened.

2019年1月、特別報告者は、それぞれの国を訪問した後になされた勧告の状況についてアンケートを送った。 特別報告者はまた、関係する国々を含む市民社会や他の関係者からの意見を求め、公募のための公募を発表した。 ホンジュラス、パレスチナ自治政府、トルコから回答が寄せられたほか、NGO(NGO)や個人からも21の応募がありました。 これらの回答は、国連機関、地域の人権団体、市民社会から集められた情報、および公に入手可能な情報と共に、各勧告の実施状況が4つのカテゴリーのうちの1つに分類されると評価されている。 実施された、部分的に実施された、実施されなかった、または対立した。

  1. The Special Rapporteur expresses his gratitude to all those who provided input for the report, which is intended to serve as a useful reference for States, civil society, the current mandate holder and his successors. Submissions received in its preparation can be found at:

特別報告者は、報告書に意見を述べたすべての人々に感謝の意を表明する。これは、国家、市民社会、現在の任務保持者および彼の後継者にとって有用な参考資料となることを意図している。 その準備で受信した提出物は、以下の場所にあります。

II. Follow-up on country visits

A. Japan

  1. The Special Rapporteur undertook an official visit to Japan from 12 to 19 April 2016. He presented his report on the visit at the thirty-fifth session of the Human Rights Council, held in June 2017 (A/HRC/35/22/Add.1 and Corr.1). Comments on the report were submitted by the State at the same session (A/HRC/35/22/Add.5).

特別報告者は、2016年4月12日から19日まで日本を公式訪問した。彼は、2017年6月に開催された第35回人権理事会での訪問に関する報告を発表した(A / HRC / 35/22 / Add.1とCorr.1)。 報告に対するコメントは、同じ会議で国によって提出された(A / HRC / 35/22 / Add.5)。

  1. During the visit, the Special Rapporteur identified significant concerns regarding the independence of the media and its role as a public watchdog committed to investigative journalism; the manipulation of media outlets through an opaque and clique-based system of press clubs and incentives to practice “access journalism”; and the impact of secrecy laws on the public’s right to information. Journalists, activists, academics and others shared with the Special Rapporteur their concerns that freedom of expression was under significant stress. The Special Rapporteur carried out the visit in the context of proposed changes to the Constitution of Japan, the bedrock for the protection of all human rights in the country, including proposals to revise articles 19 and 21, on the protection of freedom of opinion and expression, and introduce restrictions inconsistent with article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


・特別報告者は、意見および表現の自由の保護に関する第19条および第21条の改正の提案を含む、国内のすべての人権保護のための基盤である、日本国憲法の変更案の文脈で訪問を行った。 そして、市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約の第19条と矛盾する制限を導入する。

  1. Subsequent to the visit, the Special Rapporteur made recommendations concerning media independence; interference in history teaching; restrictions on demonstrations and electoral campaigning; access to information; discrimination and hate speech; and digital rights.


  1. The Special Rapporteur regrets that no reply was received from the State in response to his request for information in the preparation of the present report, however, he thanks the State for its comments on the draft version sent to the Government prior to the finalization of the report. Not only has positive action not been taken on the recommendations made, but the Special Rapporteur has received reports of several worrying developments, including those addressed in the four communications sent by the Special Rapporteur since the visit. Table 1 contains a summary of the status of implementation of the recommendations.

特別報告者は、本報告書作成のための情報要請に対する返答が国家から受領されなかったことを遺憾に思うが、最終決定前に政府に送付されたドラフト版についてのコメントに対して国家は感謝する。 レポートの 行われた勧告に対して積極的な行動がとられていないだけでなく、特別報告者は、訪問以来特別報告者が送った4つのコミュニケーションで扱われたものを含む、いくつかの心配な展開についての報告を受けました。

  1. Article 4 of the Broadcast Act remains in force, with the regulation of broadcast media in line with the Act continuing to fall within the ambit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. The tensions created by this regulatory framework, with its lack of institutional independence, have reportedly been accentuated by public pushback from government officials against the work of critical journalists, including through communications to a newspaper editorial board and a kisha club[1] concerning questions posed by a journalist at government press conferences. To perform its role as a public watchdog, the press must be free to pursue its own lines of reporting and investigation. The State must refrain in all cases from stigmatizing journalists, regardless of whether the content of their work may be perceived as critical or sensitive. To create a positive environment for journalistic work, authorities at the highest level should publicly express support for the work of independent, investigative journalists.


  1. The Special Rapporteur welcomes the information received regarding steps taken by civil society and journalist unions to foster solidarity among those within the profession. He encourages such efforts, in particular in the light of additional information received relating to reported decisions taken at the editorial level of a prominent Japanese newspaper, which appear to have restricted the scope for its reporters to work on sensitive topics.

特別報告者は、職業内の人々の間の連帯を促進するために市民社会とジャーナリスト組合が講じた措置に関して受け取った情報を歓迎する。 彼は、特に著名な日本の新聞の社説レベルで行われた報告された決定に関連して受け取られた追加の情報に照らしてそのような努力を奨励します。

  1. Editorial pressure on journalists working on controversial issues, including historical crimes committed by Japan and the use of “comfort women” in particular, has compounded the continuing resistance of the authorities to civil society’s advocacy efforts in connection with historical crimes. The Special Rapporteur reiterates his recommendation that the Government accept a visit of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence as a step towards building a positive framework for dealing with the issue.

日本が犯した歴史的犯罪、特に「従軍慰安婦」の使用を含む、物議をかもしている問題に取り組むジャーナリストに対する編集上の圧力は、歴史的犯罪に関連した市民社会の擁護活動に対する当局の継続的な抵抗を悪化させた。 特別報告者は、問題に対処するための前向きな枠組みを構築するための一歩として、政府が真実、正義、賠償および非再発の保証の促進に関する特別報告者の訪問を受け入れることを表明した。

  1. Authorities have continued to place pressure and undue restrictions on peaceful protesters in Okinawa. Specific concerns in this regard were raised in an official communication to the State from several special procedure mandate holders on 28 February 2017, concerning the arrest and charging of Hiroji Yamashiro in connection with his involvement in peaceful protests against the expansion of military bases in Okinawa.[2] Released on bail in March 2017, Mr. Yamashiro has since been convicted and sentenced to two years of imprisonment with hard labour, suspended for three years. His appeal to the Fukuoka High Court was recently rejected. In opinion No. 55/2018 (A/HRC/WGAD/2018/55), the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention declared Mr. Yamashiro’s detention to be arbitrary and directly connected to his exercise of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. The Special Rapporteur expresses serious concern that Mr. Yamashiro’s suspended sentence not only restricts him in any further exercise of his rights, but risks proving a broader deterrent against the exercise of the right of freedom of assembly. The freedoms of assembly and expression are closely linked and often mutually reinforcing. The State must strengthen its commitment to fulfilling its human rights obligations in these areas.

当局は、沖縄の平和的抗議者に圧力をかけ、過度の制限をかけ続けてきた。この点に関して、2017年2月28日の特別手続委任者数名からの、沖縄の軍事基地拡大に対する平和的な抗議行動への関与に関連した山城宏二氏の逮捕および起訴に関して、国への公式連絡において具体的な懸念が提起された。[2] 山城氏は2017年3月に保釈され、2年間の懲役2年の禁固刑を言い渡された。福岡高等裁判所への上訴は最近拒絶された。意見第55/2018号(A / HRC / WGAD / 2018/55)で、任意拘禁作業部会は、山城氏の拘禁は恣意的であり、表現の自由と平和的集会の自由の行使に直接関連すると宣言した。特別報告者は、山城氏の棄権刑が、彼のさらなる権利の行使を制限するだけでなく、集会の自由の権利の行使に対するより広範な抑止力を証明する危険性があるという重大な懸念を表明する。集会と表現の自由は密接に関連しており、しばしば相互に補強し合っている。国家は、これらの分野における人権義務を果たすことへのコミットメントを強化しなければならない。

  1. The Government does not appear to have taken steps to address concerns raised regarding the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets. The Special Rapporteur reiterates the need to amend the Act and translate informal assurances that it will not be used to target journalists into legally binding safeguards.

政府は特別指定秘密保護法に関して提起された懸念に対処するための措置を講じたようには見えない。 特別報告者は、同法を改正し、ジャーナリストを法的拘束力のある保障措置の対象とするために使用されることはないとの非公式の保証を翻訳する必要性を繰り返している。

  1. Cumulatively, continued pressure on freedom of expression restricts access to information and narrows the latitude for developing and sharing diverse political opinions. The rights to freedom of opinion and expression have a direct, multifaceted impact on the development of democracy, equality and societies in their entirety. The limitation or promotion of those rights dictates the nature of their impact. All of the recommendations made subsequent to the visit remain pertinent.

表現の自由に対する累積的な継続的な圧力は、情報へのアクセスを制限し、多様な政治的意見を発展させ共有するための自由度を狭める。 意見と表現の自由に対する権利は、民主主義、平等そして社会全体の発展に直接的で多面的な影響を与えます。 これらの権利の制限または促進は、それらの影響の性質を左右します。 訪問後に行われたすべての推奨事項は適切なままです。

[1] Associations of print and broadcast journalists (see A/HRC/55/22/Add.1, para. 34).
[2] See communication JPN 1/2017, available at

Table 1

Japan: status of implementation of recommendations



To the Government

Review the legal framework governing broadcast media, repeal article 4 of the Broadcast Act, develop the framework for an independent regulator of broadcast media (para. 65)

→Not implemented.

放送メディアを管理する法的枠組みを見直す。 放送法第4条を廃止する。 放送メディアの独立した規制機関のための枠組みを開発する(65項)


Refrain from interfering in the interpretation of historical events in educational materials and support efforts to inform the public on serious historical crimes (para. 69)

→Not implemented. New school curriculum and textbook guidelines were approved in March 2018. Reportedly, the new standards require that diversified viewpoints, including the perspectives of the Government, be included in textbooks. Civil society advocacy in connection with historical crimes, in particular the issue of “comfort women”, has been met with strong opposition from the authorities.



Ensure full transparency in the elaboration of school curricula and reconsider how the Textbook Council could be insulated from government influence (para. 69)

→Partially implemented. The new school curriculum was published for public comment in February 2018, however, no changes have been made to the manner in which appointments are made to the Textbook Council.



Consider requesting a visit of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence (para. 70)

→Not implemented.



Repeal provisions in the Public Office Election Act that impose disproportionate restrictions on political campaigning (para. 71)

→Not implemented.



Make every effort to protect the right to peaceful assembly and protest, in particular in Okinawa (para. 72)

→Not implemented. Disproportionate restrictions on the right continue.



Include an exception in the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets to ensure that no individual is punished for disclosing information of public interest, acquired in good faith, that does not harm national security (paras. 74 and 75)

→Not implemented.



Take steps to create a bedrock of social and organizational norms that promote the reporting of information in the public interest (para. 76)

→Insufficient information for an evaluation to be made.



Establish oversight boards with experts to improve accountability in the enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets (para. 77)

→Not implemented. Information received indicates that the powers of both the advisory council established by the Act and oversight committees in the Diet have proved insufficient to ensure effective oversight.



Adopt a broadly applicable anti-discrimination law (para. 78)

→Not implemented. While Japan has adopted legislation to protect specific groups from discrimination, such as the Act on the Promotion of the Elimination of Buraku Discrimination, which entered into force in December 2016, it has not adopted a broad anti-discrimination law. This was highlighted during the universal periodic review process in 2017 and by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 2018.



Stipulate in any forthcoming legislation concerning surveillance that communications must only be surveilled under the most exceptional circumstances and exclusively under the supervision of an independent judicial authority (para. 81)

→Not implemented. In 2017, amendments to the Act on Punishment of Organized Crimes and Control of Crime Proceeds were passed, expanding the scope of the Act and raising concerns that it may lead to more widespread surveillance, including of NGOs. These concerns have been rejected by the Government.



To the authorities and media groups

Publicly express their rejection of any form of threat or intimidation against journalists or other investigative reporters (para. 66)

→Contravened. Information has been received reporting cases of officials putting pressure on and issuing public statements against critical media outlets.




To the media

Remain vigilant against any form of direct or indirect pressure on editorial activities, in particular by guaranteeing full support for and protection to journalists reporting on controversial topics (para. 67)

→Partially implemented. While statements of support have been issued by journalist associations in response to pressure on journalists, information received indicates that changes have also been made to editorial policy to limit reporting on sensitive issues.




To journalist associations

Broaden the membership of the current kisha club system to allow the participation of the widest possible range of journalists (para. 68)

→Not implemented.


