
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

> テーマは「Public Shaming(パブリックシェイミング)」直訳すると「公的な場での辱め」、大勢の前で特定の人を吊るし上げる行為を意味する。 パブリック・シェイミング(Public Shaming)という暴力|MUKAI Haruka|note note.mu/mukaharu/n/ne0…

2019-06-21 15:31:33
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

> 相手をコントロールしようとしてその相手に恥を植えつける行為をシェイミング(shaming)と言います。 >自分の言うことを聞かせるために、相手を無力化し貶める効果を持ちます。 シェイミング(shaming)を知って自分を守る emotion-lab.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/04/…シェイミング(shaming)を知って自分を守る。

2019-06-21 16:33:15
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

イルハン・オマル議員: 「空腹と借金は国家的な問題です。私たちは、学校給食の借金を理由に恥辱を与える行為を非合法化する責任があります — 私は昨日、まさにそれを実行するの法案を提出したことを誇りに思っています。 さあ、終わらせよう」 twitter.com/IlhanMN/status…

2019-06-21 17:31:34
Ilhan Omar @IlhanMN

Hunger and debt are a national problem. We have a responsibility to outlaw the practice of school lunch debt shaming — I’m proud to have introduced a bill yesterday to do exactly that. Now let’s get it done. cnn.com/2019/06/19/pol…

2019-06-21 07:50:18
Ilhan Omar @IlhanMN

Hunger and debt are a national problem. We have a responsibility to outlaw the practice of school lunch debt shaming — I’m proud to have introduced a bill yesterday to do exactly that. Now let’s get it done. cnn.com/2019/06/19/pol…

2019-06-21 07:50:18
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

米国の学区の75%が給食で生徒が借金をしていると報告(CNN 2019/05/17) 75% of US school districts report student meal debt. Here's what they're doing to combat the problem - CNN edition.cnn.com/2019/05/17/us/…

2019-06-21 15:43:52
リンク CNN 75% of US school districts report student meal debt. Here's what they're doing to combat the problem Families' inability to pay for school lunches is becoming an increasing problem. Three-fourths of school districts reported having unpaid student meal debt at the end of the 2016-17 school year, the School Nutrition Association said. 1672

[Google翻訳]米国の学区の75%が給食で生徒が借金をしていると報告(CNN 2019/05/17)


学区の4分の3は、2016 - 17学年度の終わりに未払いの生徒の食事の借金を抱えていると報告しています、とSchool Nutrition Associationは述べました。そして、それらのほとんどはそのような寛大な寄付を受けるためにWarwickほど運が良くありません。

八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

イルハン・オマル議員 Ilhan Omar: 「今日、私は「学校での辱めをなくす」法を紹介する記者会見を開催しています。 この法案は、学校給食の支払いができない子供たちを恥とすることを禁止します。」 twitter.com/Ilhan/status/1…

2019-06-21 16:07:35
Rep. Ilhan Omar @Ilhan

Today I am holding a press conference to introduce the No Shame at School Act. The bill will prohibit schools from shaming children that are unable to pay for their school lunch. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…

2019-06-19 22:33:25
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

イルハン・オマル議員らが水曜日に法案を提出。今年の大きな問題となった一連の事件を受け、学校給食の借金の辱めを克服することを目的としています。 Ilhan Omar introduces bill to end school lunch debt shaming practices - CNN edition.cnn.com/2019/06/19/pol…

2019-06-21 16:22:52
リンク CNN Ilhan Omar introduces bill to end school lunch debt shaming Rep. Ilhan Omar and Sen. Tina Smith, both Democrats from Minnesota, introduced a bill on Wednesday that aims to combat school lunch debt shaming after a string of incidents that caused outrage this year. 1663
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

School lunch shaming: Government already knows how to end it - CNNPolitics edition.cnn.com/2019/05/12/pol…

2019-06-21 16:17:30
リンク CNN The government already knows how to end school lunch shaming School lunch shaming was back in the news last week when a Rhode Island school district prepared to serve a separate cold meal -- sun butter and jelly sandwiches -- to students with lunch debt. 2803
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

Rep. Ilhan Omar announces bill to end student lunch debt shaming - ABC News abcnews.go.com/Politics/rep-i…

2019-06-21 16:10:50
リンク ABC News Rep. Ilhan Omar announces bill to end student lunch debt shaming Rep. Ilhan Omar announces bill to end student lunch debt shaming. Omar announced the No Shame at Schools Act Wednesday. 3359
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

Feb 14, 2018 State policies to address school lunch shaming - Child Trends childtrends.org/state-policies…

2019-06-21 16:00:43
リンク Child Trends State policies to address school lunch shaming - Child Trends Unpaid school lunch debt is a challenge for school districts nationwide, and some districts have engaged in public shaming of students—such as publicly throwing out their food or blocking them from graduating—in an effort to recoup costs. State action on 9