「鬼滅の刃」主人公、竈門 炭治郎(かまど たんじろう)の耳飾りは旭日旗であるという主張

旭日旗とか日本の旗をRSFlagっていうんですね。初めて知りました ※注意:まとめたツイートの量が大量であまりまとまってません。またほとんどが英語で未翻訳です。もしかしたら関係のないツイートを拾ってる可能性もあります。 時間があったら翻訳の方も手をつけていきたいと思いますのでそれまでは各自で翻訳をお願いします。
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‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

if it wasnt obvious, this post was meant for fanartists and cosplayers who might use the actual RS flag or motifs in their work without knowing the WW2 context. many people dont feel comfortable using symbols like these. if youre here to shit on me, thats fine, but know that

2019-09-10 00:59:47
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

this post was DEFINITELY not for you, as no amount of spoon feeding information to you will create any empathy, even after my apology, clarification, and attempts to be civil. have a nice life, i block people like this on the spot.

2019-09-10 00:59:47
🔞Zepar🔞 @ZeparTheSinful

@insatiablejudge ...wow, the ignorance. You do realize that the swastika is a worship icon I. Buddhism, right? And it is commonly used to symbolized buddhism. Ya know the religion that had it longer before the nazis.

2019-09-10 01:00:09
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@ZeparTheSinful theres a difference in the designs, the nazi one is different from the buddhist one. my stance is still clear.

2019-09-10 01:03:16
🔞Zepar🔞 @ZeparTheSinful

@insatiablejudge No there's not. Idk where you're getting that. and his earnings are different from the flag. Your arguments are so muddled you have to keep moving the goalpost.

2019-09-10 01:08:55
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