
kelly krause @kellybkrause

1/ In science the myth of the lone genius prevails. Rather, we are interconnected, we influence each other, we work together. For @nature's 150th we sought to visualize this, revealed in today's issue go.nature.com/2WTYVgf As there are many strands of work, here is an overview. pic.twitter.com/Kw4WKy1hqf

2019-11-07 03:09:12
リンク www.nature.com 150 years of Nature A century and a half of research and discovery.
kelly krause @kellybkrause

2/ We asked @barabasi lab to visualize the idea of interconnectedness in science using @nature’s history. They produced an amazing co-citation network. More than 88,000 Nature papers are represented by a dot, coloured by discipline. Papers are linked if another paper cites both. pic.twitter.com/tYz5wkrpYZ

2019-11-07 03:09:15
kelly krause @kellybkrause

3/ On the shoulders of giants. The team then drilled down to create a visual of a single paper (white dot), showing all of the papers referenced to create a work (below the dot), and all future citations (above the dot), in visualizations called reference trees (aka carrots🥕) pic.twitter.com/N9A9THvn59

2019-11-07 03:09:17
kelly krause @kellybkrause

4/ Interactive. Explore the data in an interactive version of the network go.nature.com/2NRUte2 showing @nature papers and their links; plus interactive reference trees for select papers such as the 1953 DNA discovery go.nature.com/2pQ5ynA pic.twitter.com/TOGPWbSwEv

2019-11-07 03:09:18
リンク www.nature.com 150 Years of Nature, Visualized Interactive 3D Co-ciation Network of Nature Papers
kelly krause @kellybkrause

5/ Animation. A gorgeous must-see video animation by @martino_design and @noabaker brings it all together, the @nature co-citation network and reference trees, in a moving narrated story that reflects the history of science. youtube.com/watch?v=GW4s58… pic.twitter.com/4goVFI87DB

2019-11-07 03:09:31
kelly krause @kellybkrause

6/ Print cover. On the front @nature cover we show the overall network. The inside cover features the reference tree infographic. QR codes lead to interactives. For a PDF download of both sides go.nature.com/2PVQRdpy pic.twitter.com/MXG11hIzdR

2019-11-07 03:09:54
kelly krause @kellybkrause

7/ Analysis. Read more at go.nature.com/36CmkHu. For the entire project, tremendous work from @barabasi Alex Gates Alice Grishchenko @martino_design @noabaker @Wesolicious @creditdesign @Monya_science Claire Welsh. Thanks to Karl Ziemelis @hcpearson @Magda_Skipper @Fran_Cesari_ pic.twitter.com/Ni0m40iirE

2019-11-07 03:09:56
リンク www.nature.com Nature’s reach: narrow work has broad impact A scientific paper today is inspired by more disciplines than ever before, shows a new analysis marking the journal’s 150th anniversary. 1 user 53
Norio Nakatsuji @norionakatsuji

科学への一般人の理解が、最近の「スゴイ」研究者を宣伝する風潮により、「孤独な天才科学者」が突然の大発見で科学を発展させるとの「神話」が世間に流布。然し現実は、科学者達は互いに影響を与え、協働し、一段づつ繋がった研究で科学を発展させている。少数科学者への過剰な「選択と集中」は有害。 twitter.com/kellybkrause/s…

2019-11-08 22:52:06
佐々木徹 @tsukuba_tsasaki

150年を迎えた科学誌Natureの表紙が面白い。ディレクターが解説。 科学は孤独な天才によって発展してきたと思われ勝ちだが、実際には科学者間の相互作用で一歩ずつ。Nature論文の相互の関わり(引用)を視覚的に表現したグラフ。アイディアも、それを実現した技術もすごい! 面白いグラフが続く。 twitter.com/kellybkrause/s…

2019-11-09 07:56:16