
教会の栄光 @glory_of_church


2019-11-10 15:33:53
David Koenig @RadTradCatholi7

The final war between Good and Evil has begun and Antifa is at the front line pic.twitter.com/uMTaO33reg

2019-11-09 23:00:13
Ines San Martin @inesanma

Chile: Earlier today, protestors entered the Church of the Ascension, in downtown Santiago, taking paintings and and pews, to set up barricades, reportedly in an attempt to burn down the nearby University Pedro de Valdivia. (A thread) pic.twitter.com/oT527ltz1l

2019-11-09 09:16:28
教会の栄光 @glory_of_church

アンティファによって襲撃された教会の内部の映像です。中のものが持ち出されてほとんど空になっています。聖櫃も襲われたようです。壁には「神は存在しない」などの文句がスプレーで落書きされています。 twitter.com/mare_amara/sta…

2019-11-10 15:50:26
教会の栄光 @glory_of_church

ピエタ像や磔刑像が無惨に破壊されています。 twitter.com/mare_amara/sta…

2019-11-10 15:53:47
CredoinunumDeum @mare_amara

Our churches are being vandalized and profanated in Chile. Today it was The Assumption parish. Please, pray for Chile. This is our third week of violence and chaos. Nuestras iglesias están siendo profanadas. Por favor, recen por Chile 🙏🏽 @ProtecttheFaith @RorateCaeli @EscritMao pic.twitter.com/LcdNWxwE3t

2019-11-10 00:16:15
CredoinunumDeum @mare_amara

Our churches are being vandalized and profanated in Chile. Today it was The Assumption parish. Please, pray for Chile. This is our third week of violence and chaos. Nuestras iglesias están siendo profanadas. Por favor, recen por Chile 🙏🏽 @ProtecttheFaith @RorateCaeli @EscritMao pic.twitter.com/LcdNWxwE3t

2019-11-10 00:16:15
教会の栄光 @glory_of_church

現地の神父の証言によると、11月1日に教会で放火未遂事件が起きています。 twitter.com/inesanma/statu…

2019-11-10 16:00:05
Ines San Martin @inesanma

A few more images of what happened yesterday in Chile. According Father Narbona Narbona, in Nov. 1 protesters had tried to set the church on fire, but he was able to call the firefighters. pic.twitter.com/5fET1psLcz

2019-11-09 20:36:03
Ines San Martin @inesanma

A few more images of what happened yesterday in Chile. According Father Narbona Narbona, in Nov. 1 protesters had tried to set the church on fire, but he was able to call the firefighters. pic.twitter.com/5fET1psLcz

2019-11-09 20:36:03
教会の栄光 @glory_of_church

今回襲撃されたサンティアゴの被昇天教会は、既に数日前から次のように落書きで汚され、緑色のペイント弾を投げつけられています。この色はチリ国内で堕胎支持キャンペーンの色として使用されています。 twitter.com/inesanma/statu…

2019-11-10 16:04:59
Ines San Martin @inesanma

The church that was vandalized today, in recent days, saw some writing its walls with phrases such as “rapist priests,” and others threw green paint bombs, the color of the pro-abortion campaign in the continent. pic.twitter.com/HvbAkDYvtC

2019-11-09 09:25:17
Ines San Martin @inesanma

The church that was vandalized today, in recent days, saw some writing its walls with phrases such as “rapist priests,” and others threw green paint bombs, the color of the pro-abortion campaign in the continent. pic.twitter.com/HvbAkDYvtC

2019-11-09 09:25:17
教会の栄光 @glory_of_church


2019-11-10 16:14:11
Ines San Martin @inesanma

Yet a nearby church, the Parroquia de la Vera Cruz, was also vandalized in recent days, with paintings in its walls reading “we will burn you down,” “free abortion,” “abort the priest,” “priest burn,” “silence in the Church when everyone dies,” and “God doesn’t exists.” pic.twitter.com/wHxWomUxA5

2019-11-09 09:30:07
Ines San Martin @inesanma

Yet a nearby church, the Parroquia de la Vera Cruz, was also vandalized in recent days, with paintings in its walls reading “we will burn you down,” “free abortion,” “abort the priest,” “priest burn,” “silence in the Church when everyone dies,” and “God doesn’t exists.” pic.twitter.com/wHxWomUxA5

2019-11-09 09:30:07
Robert Kearney @Robkearney1981

Radical Leftists have attacked and desecrated a #Catholic church in #Santiago, #Chile. Hooded protestors entered and vandalized La Asuncion church, dragging statues into the street to burn and destroy. These attacks are part of the wider protest movement directed at the govt. pic.twitter.com/ibJ11WVQk9

2019-11-09 14:34:54
まとめ 中絶反対の映画『アンプランド』が全米で話題に まとめました。 15046 pv 54 1 user
まとめ NHKドラマ『透明なゆりかご』の反響と堕胎の恐るべき現実 原作者の実体験をもとに堕胎の恐るべき現実を描いたドラマ『透明なゆりかご』が大きな反響を呼んでいます! 25548 pv 7
まとめ 沖田×華『透明なゆりかご』と堕胎に関するカトリック教会の正しい教え 産婦人科医院での実体験を基に描かれた沖田×華さんの漫画『透明なゆりかご』が話題になっています。第一巻を読んで、これを機会に堕胎についてのカトリック教会の考えを知っていただきたいと思い、まとめました。 12894 pv 18 1 user