
ねとらぼエンタ @itm_nlabenta

全米がナイス爆裂! 映画「このすば」に「パルプ・フィクション」原案者が満点レビューで米アニメサイト騒然 めぐみん世界に羽ばたく nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/articles/19… pic.twitter.com/1MRKt0cR6I

2019-11-20 13:47:44
Protokahn @Protokahn

What the fuck the screenwriter for Pulp Fiction just gave the Konosuba movie 5 stars pic.twitter.com/l0kTc8ScT6

2019-11-17 06:31:28
Roger Avary @AVARY

Director, Producer, and Academy Award™-winning Screenwriter. Podcasts: https://t.co/DeAOJTUrA8 https://t.co/u047niS8lp


Roger Avary @AVARY

@Protokahn Easily one of the best experiences in a cinema I’ve ever had. I would go as far as saying it’s the reason cinema was invented.

2019-11-18 02:25:48


リンク letterboxd.com A ★★★★★ review of Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!: Kurenai Densetsu (2019) "I felt like I was on acid." - my dad after I took him with me to go see Konosuba


リンク Anime News Network Pulp Fiction Screenwriter Roger Avary Gives Konosuba Movie 5 Stars Pulp Fiction screenwriter Roger Avary gave a 5 star rating to the KONOSUBA - God's Blessing on This Wonderful World– Legend of Crimson (Kono Subarashii... 1 user 93
リンク Anime Roger Avary, Writer of Pulp Fiction, Comments on KonoSuba Review After surprisingly returning after the second season wrapped a few years ago, Konosuba: God's [...] 1 user 39
ComicBook NOW! @ComicBookNOW

ROGER AVARY, Writer of PULP FICTION, Comments on KONOSUBA Review: comicbook.com/anime/2019/11/… pic.twitter.com/ICxjeZzBuy

2019-11-19 08:52:41


MVP I Banjo Ketsui @WinAFreeiPod

@AVARY Aqua, Megumin, or Darkness? That is the real question.

2019-11-18 09:56:15
Roger Avary @AVARY

@MostVertProduc It would have to be Megumin, because she shares my daughter Gala’s birthday...and I love explosions!

2019-11-19 00:02:22
Marty @JackPackauge

@AVARY The real question sir: Who is best girl? (For me it's Darkness)

2019-11-19 08:38:32
Roger Avary @AVARY

@martinmchendry For me it’s Megumin, because she has the same birthday as my daughter Gala.

2019-11-19 09:00:05
Marty @JackPackauge

@AVARY I would also have accepted "Cos explosions are the best!". Thank you for replying!

2019-11-19 09:03:01
Roger Avary @AVARY

@martinmchendry I’ve never felt such explosions as these.

2019-11-19 09:36:25


アニメ『このすば』公式アカウント @konosubaanime

角川スニーカー文庫『この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!』のアニメ公式アカウントです。 TVアニメ3期は2024年4月10日より放送スタート!原作文庫全17巻発売中!シリーズ累計1000万部突破!🐸推奨ハッシュタグ🐸【全体】#このすば #konosuba | 【3期放送用】#このすば3期 | 【ラジオ】#このすばラジオ
