壁際で屈んで椅子を持ち上げる実験 チェアチャレンジ が興味深い

Kazuto Suzuki @KS_1013

なかなか興味深い実験だな。男性と女性では身体の重心の位置が違うので男性はこの作業ができない、という実験。 twitter.com/Tobeech/status…

2019-12-09 11:35:47
MTZ @Tobeech

Men have higher centers of gravity than women. It's more in their upper body and for women it's in their hips. That’s why most men cannot not do the chair lifting experiment twitter.com/KingYusufYusuf…

2019-12-07 04:18:51
MTZ @Tobeech

Men have higher centers of gravity than women. It's more in their upper body and for women it's in their hips. That’s why most men cannot not do the chair lifting experiment pic.twitter.com/1OAb7wYDjr

2019-12-07 04:18:51
MTZ @Tobeech

The second major reason why women are able to do this is because the pelvis of women is wider which creates a larger area to body ratio and thus lowering the center of gravity in women. The male pelvis is not as wide creating a less area to body ratio. pic.twitter.com/SmUO3fk9KM

2019-12-08 19:42:25
MTZ @Tobeech

99% of men will fail, to the other 1% you’ve got childbearing hips.

2019-12-08 21:30:25
MTZ @Tobeech

On the topic of gender differences. This is also related to why the fat distribution pattern differs in both the genders. Men are considered obese at 25% body fat, whereas women are considered average at that same percentage pic.twitter.com/1THL7y3szQ

2019-12-08 23:30:37
MTZ @Tobeech

Nearly forgot to put myself on. If you’re into cars I’ve started a new youtube channel dedicated to reviewing cars and seldom travel youtu.be/w5ganxHjKJM

2019-12-10 00:11:19
Jason Derulo @jasonderulo

Have u tried this yet? 😂 #chairchallenge Apparently it’s IMPOSSIBLE for men to do it pic.twitter.com/CyaR2dEcaf

2019-12-08 07:54:57
森 圭介 / 日テレアナウンサー @moritwi

女性にできて男性にできないという「チェアチャレンジ」とやらをやってみた。 #チェアチャレンジ #chairchallenge pic.twitter.com/D981oMNpD5

2019-12-09 19:59:15
植本一宇@整体院一宇〜ITIU〜 @kazuphel

チェアチャレンジやってみた。 1、足2つ分の位置から 2、お辞儀して頭を壁につけ 3、しっかりとイスを抱えると 4、女性は上がるが男性は上がらない というもの。。。 #チェアチャレンジ #スッキリ # pic.twitter.com/AT5QyrmUCD

2019-12-09 11:39:48
