1992年報告書:ネバダ核実験のヨウ素131へのアメリカ人の曝露:国立癌研究所の報告書と公衆衛生への影響のレビュー (2020.1.14作成)

Priamal Fear @PriamalFear

[Memo ****] Exposure of the American People to Iodine-131 from Nevada Nuclear-Bomb Tests: Review of the National Cancer Institute Report and Public Health Implications europepmc.org/article/NBK/NB… Review from National Academies Press (US), Washington (DC), 28 Sep 2012 Open Access

2020-01-14 08:59:32
Priamal Fear @PriamalFear

Appendix FScreening for Thyroid Cancer: Background Paper Karen Eden, Ph.D., Mark Helfand, M.D., and Susan Mahon, M.P.H. europepmc.org/books/NBK10082…

2020-01-14 09:01:00
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

Exposure of the American People to Iodine-131 from Nevada Nuclear-Bomb Tests: Review of the National Cancer Institute Report and Public Health Implications. Appendix FScreening for Thyroid Cancer: Background Paper europepmc.org/books/NBK10082…

2020-01-14 10:05:35
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

"To justify screening, there must be evidence that screening tests can detect thyroid cancer accurately and safely in asymptomatic individuals, that early treatment decreases mortality or morbidity from thyroid cancer when compared with delaying treatment until symptoms occur,

2020-01-14 10:06:12
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

(…) and that the benefits of screening clearly outweigh the adverse effects of the screening program itself."

2020-01-14 10:07:01
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma


2020-01-14 10:31:45