#SupportHorikoshi が世界で広がる ヒロアカ作者への中韓による謝罪要求ツイが増えるも日本のみならず海外からは応援の声が多数

中国韓国からの人格否定を含む異常なリプライは常軌を逸したものとなっています。 世界的に人気の高いヒロアカの作者堀越先生にその状況を憂いている人たちのエールが数多く届いています。



堀越耕平 @horikoshiko


2020-02-03 20:37:26


ささ @kukurobu

今回心からこの問題を危惧し、今なお作者の謝罪を本気で求めようとしている方々。お気持ちは察しますが、作家ひとりの命そのものを奪う行為である事を知ってください。 「ごめんなさい」「すみません」を言わせるだけじゃ、済まされない自体になるんです。 #SupportHorikoshi

2020-02-04 01:32:42
ささ @kukurobu

あ、あとファンレターは本当に良い方法です。作家さんはもちろん、編集部にとってももの凄く力になります。ハガキであろうと、封書であろうと、品物であろうと。ぜひファンレター送りましょう。ひと言で良いんです。一つの攻撃ツイートより、ずっと効果があります。 #SupportHorikoshi

2020-02-04 01:51:00


NeoMeo @DiogoPina23

#SupportHorikoshi !!! He doesn't deserve to be insulted over something like this. Fuck the fake fans

2020-02-03 19:21:46
RubyZiq | Free 🇵🇸 @RealRubyZiq

#SupportHorikoshi My man has suffered enough trying to create a good series, and when he did, y'all ungrateful fucks who call yourself "fans" start to attack the man for something "unintentional". You should stop following the series if you gonna do that.

2020-02-03 19:24:18
ellie @ariachxn

#SupportHorikoshi thank you so much for you in this world. You are such a kind heart human being, and you deserve the world. ✨ Keep up your hard work 💫

2020-02-03 19:27:39
Noutfall @NoutfallV

I am at a loss for words. So the idiots snowflakes "fan" actually made the editorial dep change the name... SO we're at a point where the MHA haters will do anything to try and hurt the series. They should be ashamed to have censored this very adequate naming. #SupportHorikoshi

2020-02-03 19:58:45
97 @noe_humie

#SUPPORTHORIKOSHI Protect Horikoshi from an attacker pretending to be a fan

2020-02-03 20:07:16
ƒ. @eff_fume

I don't think I can add much to what has already been said, but as a massive Hori stan, I cannot stand him being swallowed up in controversies all the time. GOAT Mangaka deserves better #supporthorikoshi

2020-02-03 20:27:54
marcthalion@bsky.social @marcthalion

@horikoshiko I'm really sad about that. The Doctor probably was arrested, a JAPANESE may beating he before that but for those koreans harassers Hori have to make changes. AND CONTINUES HARASSING HIM FOR APOLOGIES THEY'RE NOT FANS, ARE HARASSERS #SupportHorikoshi

2020-02-03 20:47:35
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