ジョセフ・ヘンリックの理論と著作"The Secret of Our Success"『文化がヒトを進化させた–人類の繁栄の〈文化−遺伝子革命〉』について

まとめ 人間が繁栄した鍵は「革新的な思考力」ではなく「何も考えずに他者を模倣する力」かもしれない 「ソシャゲ界隈なんかまさにそんな感じでしょ?」  ー自分で考えるよりもガチ勢のパテを脳死で真似る方が早い アッハイ _(:3 」∠ )_ 「人は理解すること無しに有能さを獲得し続け、全体的な発展コストを低くできた」 39162 pv 734 94 users 20
Evonomics @EvonomicsMag

A conversation between economist Tyler Cowen and anthropologist Joseph Henrich about social learning, intelligence, religion, and cognition. buff.ly/2B0ZNbH

2018-08-19 10:15:02
リンク Evonomics Tyler Cowen and Joseph Henrich Talk Economics, Big Brains, Cultural Evolution, and WEIRD People - Evonomics How culture Is driving human evolution, domesticating our species, and making us smarter 1
Nabeel @nabeelqu

A few excerpts that stuck with me: 1/ Positive-sum thinking isn't the human default & is rare + fragile. If you can get it to work, then it tends to result in higher growth pic.twitter.com/uZE5gXkvNz

2018-08-25 04:36:25
Nabeel @nabeelqu

2/ Monotheism ended up dominating because it gave monotheistic cultures ideological justification to spread and ultimately dominate/stamp out polytheistic cultures pic.twitter.com/mq9R8NzxHm

2018-08-25 04:38:10
Nabeel @nabeelqu

3/ Monotheism also expands your 'circle of trust' beyond just your local in-group (who all believe in your local god). Now you can trust anybody who believes in the One God --> increased cooperation and trust --> more dominance. pic.twitter.com/Uqqg49W6e0

2018-08-25 04:39:09
Nabeel @nabeelqu

4/ Monotheism thus becomes a scaling strategy for societies. At some point, the bottleneck becomes coordination/shared trust beyond a certain number of people - monotheism allows societies to overcome this constraint. pic.twitter.com/ZcbHtjEidK

2018-08-25 04:40:41
Nabeel @nabeelqu

5/ Monogamy (and ending cousin marriage) also ended up dominating for the same reason: enough people are forced to marry beyond their tribes that networks enlarge & societies become larger and more interconnected. pic.twitter.com/XzQrnJEFU1

2018-08-25 04:42:04
Nabeel @nabeelqu

6/ This exact thing - ending polygyny for higher-status males, ending cousin-marriage - happened relatively recently in China (1950s) & Japan (1880s) & Nepal (early 1960s) and has led to similar effects. pic.twitter.com/j8XQA56YUU

2018-08-25 04:43:08
Nabeel @nabeelqu

7/ There's evidence that Neanderthals were actually more individually intelligent & had bigger brains than us. But we stamped out Neanderthals because we were more collectively intelligent - better at cultural learning / spreading ideas / accumulating collective knowledge. pic.twitter.com/Cg3Yw5Sl08

2018-08-25 04:45:08
Nabeel @nabeelqu

8/ Economists are aggressively competitive with each other; psychologists much more polite. Differing social norms within academic tribes. pic.twitter.com/E12lRHKyMN

2018-08-25 04:46:02
Nabeel @nabeelqu

9/ "Psychologists, they'll sit quietly." pic.twitter.com/o2IF4h8U3K

2018-08-25 04:46:40
Nabeel @nabeelqu

10/ De-emphasizing the family / breaking down family bonds is actually a source of "Western" competitive advantage & urbanization helps with this. Excessive focus on kinship/family loyalty actually holds societies back. pic.twitter.com/WFhMNSsOxC

2018-08-25 04:49:35
Nabeel @nabeelqu

h/t @sknthla for the link & @tylercowen for the excellent interview!

2018-08-25 04:50:01
sakanoue no fusigi @seeker98747

少し長めだが私のお気に入りの、Joseph Henrich氏(人類学)インタビュー記事。この記事によると、ヘンリック氏は長くローマ―氏と共同研究…(この記事からは、ローマー氏にとってヘンリック氏がどれ程重要だったかは不明)。ヘンリック氏も大変面白くてダイナミックなアイデアをお持ち…。

2018-10-15 17:46:33
リンク Evonomics Scientists Discover What Economists Haven't Found: Humans - Evonomics Working towards building a better theory of human nature 2390
NatureHumanBehaviour @NatureHumBehav

"overarching theoretical frameworks pave the way toward a more general theory of human behaviour" argue @mmuthukrishna and Joseph Henrich in their Perspective: buff.ly/2tl9ydX

2019-03-22 02:15:00
リンク Nature Human Behaviour A problem in theory Muthukrishna & Henrich argue that solving the replication crisis in psychology partly requires well-specified, overarching theoretical frameworks. They outline how dual inheritance theory provides one such example that could be adopted by the field.
白揚社 @hakuyo_sha

7月発行『文化がヒトを進化させた』 「はじめに文化ありき」という視点から人類進化の謎に迫ります。原書はThe secret of our success by Joseph Henrich hakuyo-sha.co.jp/creature/secre… pic.twitter.com/yX9zyuLPPQ

2019-06-27 12:53:34
白揚社 @hakuyo_sha

Voice 2020年2月号に、『文化がヒトを進化させた』の著者ジョセフ・ヘンリック氏のインタビュー記事が掲載されています。テクノロジーなど現代の文化について語っています。 本書の試し読み↓ note.com/hakuyo_sha/n/n… pic.twitter.com/nnQfSrBGyo

2020-01-14 17:36:16