
John Burn-Murdoch @jburnmurdoch

Latest case trajectories for major countries: • US case-count still surging • Italy-scale outbreaks remain inevitable for most countries. It remains shocking to me that countries aren’t acting earlier • Read more here about flattening curves in Asia: ft.com/content/e015e0… pic.twitter.com/VepqsoFsTp

2020-03-21 04:59:39
John Burn-Murdoch @jburnmurdoch

NEW: Friday 20 March update of our coronavirus mortality trajectories tracker • Italy had highest single-day death toll of any country today: 627 • UK still on steeper mortality curve than Italy, as Britain begins to lock down. Too late? Live version: ft.com/content/a26fbf… pic.twitter.com/k6HuaWTfxJ

2020-03-21 04:58:55
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

Europe and US are mostly all on the same path. Note log Y-axis (linear=exponential; steeper line is more exponential). Japan also has limited testing. Only SK, Singapore and HK have it under control or improving. #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/hFRqJpjiUj

2020-03-15 02:10:05
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

TRAVEL BANS: any difference on #COVID19 epidemic? The data says no. More details why here: thinkglobalhealth.org/article/tracki… pic.twitter.com/KH1Hc3fjhB

2020-03-14 03:19:31
John Burn-Murdoch @jburnmurdoch

NEW on coronavirus: many western countries may soon face Italy’s situation Case numbers since outbreaks began in several countries have tracked a ~33% daily rise. This is as true for UK, France, Germany as Italy; the latter is simply further down the path ft.com/content/a26fbf… pic.twitter.com/xM6wXuMk4n

2020-03-11 22:49:15
Haruhiko Okumura @h_okumura

国ごとの推移は github.com/CSSEGISandData… のtime_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csvをそのままプロットしたらものすごく読みにくくなったorz pic.twitter.com/UjoHb9SQ5J

2020-03-10 15:17:26
山吹オルカ🅨 @YamabukiOrca

グラフにも記載してありますが、ソースはJohns Hopkinsが提供しているこちらのマップarcgis.com/apps/opsdashbo… の公開データベース github.com/CSSEGISandData… です。

2020-03-10 10:48:21
山吹オルカ🅨 @YamabukiOrca

妙な片対数グラフが出回って、「日本だけ傾きがおかしい!」と言っている人がいるようですが、症例数が少ない国が含まれておらず、恣意的な選択に見えます。3/8現在、症例数が100例以下の国について経過日数でプロットするとこんな感じです。僕には日本、シンガポール、香港は同様の傾向に見えます。 pic.twitter.com/6R5uIFtIJL

2020-03-10 10:36:26
早川由紀夫 @HayakawaYukio


2020-03-10 08:51:18
Mark Handley @MarkJHandley

This version includes South Korea. They were on the same growth curve til 7 days ago - ahead of Italy. The measures they adopted then (subject to the lead time in measurements) seem effective - still exponential growth, but similar doubling period to Japan now. pic.twitter.com/CKvgABlQXJ

2020-03-10 07:33:01
motto_2013 @motto_2013

@BB45_Colorado 国別データを増やして検証してみた。すると二つのグループがあることがわかる。一つは、中韓独伊イ仏で急激に感染拡大しているグループ、もうひとつは日本を含むシン豪アラブ台香米で比較的緩やかに推移しているグループ。このように分析すると結論は変わってくる。 pic.twitter.com/fLlllc2ogz

2020-03-10 01:30:26
Alessandro Strumia @AlessandroStru4

I plotted the time evolution in Italy: it looks similar to China/Hubei one month ago. Measures taken a week ago could now start to reduce the exponential growth. But somebody already talks about weakening and reopening. #COVID2019 pic.twitter.com/FpfOY75ZxJ

2020-02-28 03:13:44