2020.3.17(日本時間) WHO #新型コロナウイルス #COVID-19 に関するメディアブリーフィング 「検査と隔離が必要。兎に角、検査、検査、検査」 #おしどりマコさん 部分文字起こし

おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 「感染を防ぎ、命を救う最も効果的な方法は、COVID19の感染の連鎖を断ち切ること。そのために、検査と隔離が必要。 見えない火と戦うことはできない。 そして、誰が感染しているかわからなければ、 このパンデミックを止めることはできない。」 twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-17 01:12:24
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"But the most effective way to prevent infections & save lives is breaking the chains of #COVID19 transmission. To do that, you must test & isolate. You cannot fight a fire blindfolded. And we cannot stop this pandemic if we don’t know who is infected"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:57:02
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

目隠ししたまま、火事と闘うことはできない、 かな、 今、BBC worldで、同時通訳の方はそう訳されてました、 英語がヘタクソですみません

2020-03-17 01:35:16
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 「全ての国に簡単なメッセージがあります。 検査 検査 検査」 (会見中、マジで3回繰り返しました) 疑わしい全てのCOVID19を検査。 陽性の場合、症状を発症する2日前までの濃厚接触者を見つけ、それらの人も検査。 twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-17 01:15:51
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"We have a simple message for all countries: test test test. Test every suspected #COVID19 case. If they test positive, isolate them & find out who they have been in close contact with up to 2 days before they developed symptoms & test those people too"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:57:30
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 「もう一度繰り返します、重要なメッセージは 検査 検査 検査」 (この会見ではtest、何回言ったでしょう…) これは深刻な疾患。60歳以上の人はリスクが高いが、子供を含む若者も死んでいる、と。 twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-17 01:19:28
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Once again, our key message is: test, test, test. This is a serious disease. Although the evidence we have suggests that those over 60 are at highest risk, young people, including children, have died"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-17 01:00:30


リンク Periscope Who @WHO Media briefing on #COVID19 with @DrTedros. #coronavirus 431
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"In the past week, we have seen a rapid escalation of cases of #COVID19. More cases and deaths have now been reported in the rest of the world than in #China"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:55:41
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"We have seen a rapid escalation in social distancing measures, like closing schools & cancelling sporting events & other gatherings. But we haven't seen an urgent enough escalation in testing, isolation & contact tracing, which is the backbone of the #COVID19 response"-@DrTedros

2020-03-17 00:56:05
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Social distancing measures can help to reduce #COVID19 transmission and enable health systems to cope. Handwashing and coughing into your elbow can reduce the risk for yourself and others"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:56:22
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"But on their own, they aren't enough to extinguish this #COVID19 pandemic. It’s the combination that makes the difference. As I keep saying, all countries must take a comprehensive approach"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:56:38
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"But the most effective way to prevent infections & save lives is breaking the chains of #COVID19 transmission. To do that, you must test & isolate. You cannot fight a fire blindfolded. And we cannot stop this pandemic if we don’t know who is infected"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:57:02
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"We have a simple message for all countries: test test test. Test every suspected #COVID19 case. If they test positive, isolate them & find out who they have been in close contact with up to 2 days before they developed symptoms & test those people too"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:57:30
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Every day, more tests are being produced to meet the global demand. WHO has shipped almost 1.5 million tests to 120 countries. We’re working with companies to increase the availability of tests for those most in need"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:57:52
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"WHO advises that all confirmed #COVID19 cases, even mild cases, should be isolated in health facilities, to prevent transmission & provide adequate care. But we recognize that many countries have already exceeded their capacity to care for mild cases in dedicated 🏥"-@DrTedros

2020-03-17 00:58:18
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"In that situation, countries should prioritize older patients & those with underlying conditions. Some countries have expanded their capacity by using stadiums & gyms to care for mild #COVID19 cases, with severe & critical cases cared for in hospitals"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:58:41
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Another option is for patients with mild #COVID19 to be isolated & cared for at home. Caring for infected people at home may put others in the same household at risk, so it’s critical that care-givers follow WHO’s guidance on how to provide care as safely as possible"-@DrTedros

2020-03-17 00:59:04
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"For example, both the #COVID19 patient & their care-giver should wear a medical mask when they are together in the same room. The patient should sleep in a separate bedroom to others and use a different bathroom"-@DrTedros

2020-03-17 00:59:21
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Assign one person to care for the #COVID19 patient, ideally someone who is in good health and has no underlying conditions. The care-giver should wash their hands after any contact with the patient or their immediate environment"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-17 00:59:41
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"People infected with #COVID19 can still infect others after they stop feeling sick, so these measures should continue for at least 2 weeks after symptoms disappear. Visitors should not be allowed until the end of this period. There are more details in WHO’s guidance"-@DrTedros

2020-03-17 01:00:07
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Once again, our key message is: test, test, test. This is a serious disease. Although the evidence we have suggests that those over 60 are at highest risk, young people, including children, have died"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-17 01:00:30
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"WHO has issued new clinical guidance, with specific details on how to care for children, older people and pregnant women. So far, we have seen epidemics in countries with advanced health systems. But even they have struggled to cope"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-17 01:00:51
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"As the #coronavirus moves to low-income countries, we're deeply concerned about the impact it could have among populations with high HIV prevalence or malnourished children. We’re calling on every country & individual to do everything they can to stop transmission"-@DrTedros

2020-03-17 01:01:16
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Washing your hands will help to reduce your risk of #coronavirus infection. But it’s also an act of solidarity because it reduces the risk you will infect others in your community and around the world. Do it for yourself, do it for others"-@DrTedros #COVID19

2020-03-17 01:02:05
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"We also ask people to express their solidarity by refraining from hoarding essential items, including medicines. Hoarding can create shortages of medicines and other essential products, which can exacerbate suffering"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-17 01:02:28